For me," maybe say, this is a good test for the FBI", all the elements needed to bring a case before a federal jury are here in Sanford NC.  We will wait and see.


It has been nearly two weeks since I filed a complaint with the FBI.  The complaint was against local law enforcement, more correctly the complaint was against Jim Eads of the Lee County Sheriff's Ddepartment and the Lee County Sheriff's Department.  The complaint was for crimes committed while "Under Color of Law".

Since the time I filed the complaint, the sexual assaults and attacks have intensified, more pain, more burning in my genitals, more pain being inflicted on my spine, hips and joints.  I still have some hope that the FBI will come to the rescue but will there be anything left of me.

I am going to attach a copy of the complaint.  Would you please read it and if possible make a copy for maybe some use in the future.  It will include a ID pass with the date and time I was granted permission to enter the building.Doc1%20PASS%20TO%20INTER%20FBI%20CHARLOTTE.docxThe%20Complaint%20is%20of%20page%20title.docxphone-calls-to-my-land-line-and-cell.htmThis%20is%20the%20only%20venue%20of%20self%20spell%20chkjuly18.docx

I included the most relevant names in the complaint.  The names are William O. Batchelor, Jeffery Batchelor, Jim Eads and David McLeod.  These are by no means all of the names of witneses that can bring veracity to my complaint.  There are many others. 


MAY 28,2013

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