Since I filed the complaint with the FBI, the harassment has continued and has intensived. I filed an addendum in June of this same year and the torture has increased severely. It is more sick, because of its sexual nature and it is filled with hate. They retaliate. I continue to deliver the truth of this evil to local churches. I wear tee shirts daily that read on the front, " ' Connie Marshall', '' ", and on the back it reads " 'Paraphrasing a Talmudic sage, it is not the responsibility of any single person to finish the task, but neither is any person permitted to avoid it.', 'Elizabeth Holtzman' ". I wear a hat when I go out also. I have two that read, Connie Marshall, and my newest hat reads, CHUTZPAH. It is a white hat with a mediun blue letering . This word is really grinding on him and them. There are Christians amongst them and they will not be able to keep silent. It may take my death but they will have to confess what they know to be the truth. The addendum was sent certified mail return receipt. I received a return receipt from the FBI address but the addendum I sent to the DOJ was returned saying that the P.O. Box, 66018 was closed. What do you think?
Michael Benoit