Microwave Hearing vs Schizophrenia
Microwave Hearing
- Comes from an external source (Microwave Technology)
- Does physical damage to the brain that appears like brain trauma or a mild concussion
- Medication does not work
- Can be blocked
- Voices are usually just ignorant assholes
- Voices get basic information wrong on purpose and introduce terminology that the target has no previous knowledge of.
- The victim is capable of ignoring the voices when engaged in conversation with others. Can coverse for hours if so inclined. No problem with focus.
- When the Voices first begin the victim doubts their experience. They really think they're going crazy. This is not the case for true Schizophrenics.
- The victims are 70% female
- There is a definite starting point. Starts as Tinnitus then goes to buzzing and then to Words.
- Voices are accompanied by heating of the head as well as dizziness, nausea, tinnitus. This is because the external source is being beamed in via Microwaves and they are literally cooking the brain. Hence the brain trauma.
- Accompanied by electronic harrassment and stalking. Smear Campaigns are also used.
- Victim is forceably isolated from family, friends, and any other possible source of assistance through false accusations of criminality, threats, and promises of compensation. Even Doctors and Psychiatrists are scared off. No Psychiatrist is afraid of Schizophrenia, however, they are afraid of the CIA and being deported if foreign or having their own families targeted if US born citizens.
- Comes from an internal source (ones own brain)
- Does no physical damage to the brain
- Medication works
- Cannot be blocked
- Is usually Angels or God
- Utilizes or is a feedback of information that already exists in the brain
- It is difficult for the person to focus past the voices in their head. They cannot hold a conversation for more than 15 min (if unmedicated).
- They believe the voices are real people. They never question this. Someone else usually has to point this out.
- 60% of Schizophrenics are Male
- There is no definite starting point. Subject would be hard pressed to say when they started.
- Is not accompanied by electronic harrassment and stalking. Also no Smear Campaign.
- As long as they take their meds they don't seem to suffer any isolation and readily receive aid from those around them.