I was raised in a good home parents mother was teacher and father a lawyer. I was adopted as a baby and I believe I was targeted because my vulnerability. I found out in my teenage years that I was adopted it added to my struggles. I was in and out of prison because I couldnt control my anger. I go through this mind tortured 24 hours a day. I use my faith to give me hope. The handlers use physiological torture and manipulation to intimidate me. They have incorporated themselves into my dreams. When im alone as my parents have passed away. They try to use holograms to manipulate my mind to look and sound like my parents. To get me to do things that are not right. If it wasnt for my belief in god I dont know how would have made it out alive. They make these loud noises I cant explain the pain I was crawled in the fetal position. They try to do things to me to show that they are in control of me. With the information I have gotten from my girlfriend it has helped understand what is going on. I do believe at a young age was illegally implanted. I am trying to find someone to help get them removed. Sometimes it scary because when I dont do what they say they make sure their presence is known. My hands start sweating, my blood pressure goes up, I feel something going through my body. I feel this pain in my jaw and throat. I start thinking about my faith at this moment. I am the begging and the end.. its a cycle... a full circle. or a downward spiral... Like Adam and eve.. Where creation starts and ends in the exact same place and the exact same time. I am looking for survivors and I want to hear your stories of survival.
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