mind control loterie nationale



The Dali Museum in Barcelona (figueras) he describes the reality of nocturnal abductions. A skeleton, a bed, a table relpjes standing on the wall.
And to the right, but monumental Catalan satire, a lottery ticket with a red eye that has a face on the inside.

The poster makes a technique for peripheral vision is used. As in the special drawings to see the unseen. -

The poster makes a technique for peripheral vision is used. As in the special drawings to see the unseen. -

"What is Peripheral Vision? concept
Sep 17, 2009 by Luis.
If you've ever seen a film of Bruce Lee you may have noticed that there mirabaCampo vision staring at their opponents. And, in contrast, are anticipated to all attacks. Saw them coming. He used his peripheral vision (among many other resources). I am far from an expert in martial arts."

Peripheral Vision is one that allows you to cover almost 180 ° with your view. Vision with narrowed eyes unfocused.


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