A country or countries are using multiple deceptive means including covert technology to attack people around the world, and they appear to largely attempting to get individuals to blame the USA. They are doing this because they lack power in the world and they seek to gain it by tearing others down, and blaming it on a country with more power (USA) in order to avoid detection and further create negative sentiment toward the USA.

The USA has no reason to do this to people. Think about it, why would the Americans speak to you using voices that sound like their own (if that is what is happening in your case)? Why wouldn’t they try to better avoid detection? (This is assuming they have spoken to you, and you can recognize the voice is not your own.) The USA has power that other countries try to attack in various ways that are not always obvious or out in the open. Using this technology, a country or countries could seek to destabilize the USA’s society and economy, both by attacking USA citizens as well as citizens of other countries, and blaming it on the USA. They do it this way because they are without much of their own power, can't compete, and they want to hide the fact that they are attacking another country's citizens. If a country doesn't truly know it is under attack, how can they fight it properly? The USA is a large country with power. They would have no good reason to target individuals in this way. It simply doesn’t make logical sense. But many people/countries are against the USA purely because they have this power and seek to diminish it in underhanded ways.

Further, a country or countries can use people to spread disinformation, even so-called “whistleblowers”, who are likely covertly manipulated themselves.

The system speaking to you doesn't seem that smart, it simply gets information and data from you and I believe through software that tells them what to do or say. So if you want to fight back to anything they say or do to you, attack "it" back - go after its intelligence, insult it in the harshest way you can think of, or just be funny and make jokes about it. Try whatever to see what happens to the system / program. But above all, try to stay relaxed and don’t worry. Do not let them get to you.

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