Mind Control Torture and Wireless Communication Abuses

After I purchased my cell phone, I configured it to meet my needs, something that every cell phone users probably does. Among the settings that I changed, were the settings for incoming and outgoing calls. The phone is a smart phone by Samsung. The default settings for incoming calls had no restrictions. The new settings restricted this to contacts only. The phone worked relatively well for a while, until 10.18.2012 at 5:35pm Pacific Time. On this day, an incoming call that was not in the contact list, managed to breach the rule and place itself on the call list. The number was:   24700*71144444**4*.

Soon thereafter, the phone began exhibiting some anomalous behaviour, culminating in the removal of all my contacts and phone and text message logs from the cell phone in about April or May of 2013. A few days later, only a fraction of the logs was returned. Many other logs were missing. The missing logs included the following:

  1. The log record of an incoming phone on 190.18. 2012, originating from the number:   24700*71144444**4*.

  2. The log record of a text message that warned me that I would soon be on federal assistance.

  3. The log record of several text messages from someone that persistently claimed to have my mail and who urged me to contact him to retrieve it. When I researched the number, the name attached to someone that owned a business in Portland, Oregon. His previous business had been in another city in Oregon. The website visit log showed that visits to the website had occurred only – on the day that the website was constructed. The Portland address of the business turned out to be a phantom address.

  4. All my contacts were removed from the phone, later returned several days later.

  5. The log record of someone that kept asking for some strange word. I asked someone what that meant, and he told that it was a name of an illicit drug. I have never done drugs in my entire life, not even experimentally and have never associated with anyone doing illicit drugs. A wise 70+ year old, had advised me to not respond to any of the text messages, but save them instead. I thought they were safe in my cell phone, but I was wrong.

All this occurred before Edward Snowden revealed to the world details NSA programs that were used to vacuum up “metadata”, except that text message content are no metadata. Deleting evidence of intrusion into a cell phone is not exactly gathering “metadata” either. Insertion of callers in violation of set rules fails to constitute “metadata” collection either. That includes removing contact lists.

Later, I took the cell phone to my cell phone company for a hard reset ( I don't have a working computer anymore since all my computers were rootkited ). A young man there recognized the unusual sequence of the number above as a hack sequence. He reset the phone but the phone would not accept a password. Nor would it permit change in default calling settings. I had to have it reset again, in less than two days. This time he told me that one would have to gain physical access to the phone to re-hackit. That I have to ensure that that does not happen. I went home and that night, placed a trap on the phone that would betray any unauthorized contact. The following morning, the trap on the phone had been promptly breached and I was back to square one.

Fast forward to today. The phone today has been used in commission of multiple violations including the following:

  1. The battery charging module of the phone is disabled at the torturer's whim, disabling the phone by draining it of its power and denying its recharging function. This is apparently done by cutting current flow of the power source at the wall outlet. If I plug the charger on another outlet, it works until they find the outlet minutes later and disable current flow there.

  2. The battery chargers (two so far), have been stripped of the insulation sleeve, rendering the phone unchargeable as the damaged chord fails.

  3. The UI of many websites is altered. The UI of “peacepink.ning.com” for example, is altered to block all new posts; block any ability to log on for purposes of either viewing or posting posts. The colour scheme is altered to a dull gray. All interactive features of the websited are removed.

  4. Videos are frequently interrupted in progress or outright blocked, with pop up text box messages that read : “You cannot watch that video.” I often wipe out cache and reopen the video and watch it anyway. Sometimes with no intention to watch the video anyway, I repeatedly retrieve it and have them reset it all day long. Four torture planes, full of torturers and their pilots, all paid, and the fuel for the planes paid for, spending an entire day trying to stop someone from watching a harmless music video! Few things give an accurate window to the sick minds behind mind control torture.

  5. The phone fails to orient when it is rotated 90 degrees, until I wipe out whatever is in cache.

  6. A loud clicking sound always follows every call I make or receive.

  7. Video output is warped into smudged images that are not unlike those associated with representations of a troubled mind. Using a different device, such as a public computer, enables me to watch the videos just fine, proving that it is the cell phone that has been corrupted.

  8. The audio component of the videos is sometimes corrupted by having entire sound segments removed, or having the same sound line repeated over and over again, or having total silence while the video component continues to show play in progress.

  9. The torturer's drop connection to certain websites, including for a while, FFCHS, DemocracyNow.org, etc.

  10. Earphones are used to deliver exogenous sounds into the ear, that interfere with what I am listening. Changing the earphones by borrowing a set from the library always eliminates the problem, proving that the earphones are modified.

  11. Earphones, just last week, have been ripped of the main cord, rendering them unusable.

  1. Blockages from viewing news at “Aljazeera.net” and being redirected to view “Aljazeera.com/us” instead. This is a watered down version of the full english version of the original website. A workaround allows me to read the real news.

In addition to these desperate attempts to block or frustrate my communication with the outside world, primarily for purposes of suppressing information dissemination of the horrific tortures as well as to monitor who I might be communicating that information to, someone placed a Darth Vader message as an answering messages. More than one friend alerted me to that. Many "Private Caller" and "Out of Area" harassment calls fill my landphone logs. Someone taps something that sounds like a pen on a table when I speak on the landline. The other party often hears the taps as well.

These are just a few of the abuses and the list is by no means comprehensive. Altogether, a list of all environmental and electronic abuses could constitute a book the size of a small bible...

Do you have phone or other communication abuses that you would like to share?


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