I am a man, about 45, mindcontrol-victim, and its a long story and much to tell.
But I did something to fight this, I escaped from Norway and went to another country where I still live.
I took x-rays and ct-scan and found very sophisticated implants in my body...About 200 electronics and tubes etc, Mixed technology and parasites...
I just became a member right now, and this is my first blog post. I have pictures of electronical implants and I know its possible to fight this...
I am a nurse and a trained socialworker...
I dont have a web-page yet, but i have a blog......In norwegian, but there is automatic google translator on the blog (not so good translation, but you can understand most of it)
Its nice pictures anyway..originals....
the norwegian blog is :http://psykiatrierpolitiskdrap.blogg.no
and its about 70-80 blogarticles out, with pictures and documentation, and my story...
Nice to find you here, anyway...
I starting doing something here soon...
Have a nice day...