Senior MK-ULTRA agents have also, seniority on Directed energy weapons and its impact on peoples lives. So last night one of these Senior MK-ULTRA officials doses the same old dirty trick any perpetrator would do and induces sleep deprivation on me, and he’s pissed. He’s got problems with me and that as a red-blooded American he’s having problems giving out the George White’s effect. This concept is best described by one of George White quotes, in that he states 'It was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill and cheat, steal, deceive, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the all highest.'", Mean government. Once again I would like to thank National Defense for its blatant negligence to protect its citizens from such monstrosities. Where else might I add, where else? If we as a people didn’t have enough problems in our life’s all ready.

Sincerely, Thomas M

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