I realized today that I have a way of opening a big door of proof of mob connections to gaming and what some would call gang stalking. Gaming is what I call the tactic used by the mob and other agencies-some of whom have legitimate business practices - to direct people through the city as a game piece, by the use of v2k. They have audiences and bet on the players. I was a player once. I knew others who were as well. Like I have told many on this site, I know how this started-I really know, I singed a contract! I didn't read it all but I remember signing it back in 2004.
I believe they broadcast what we experience into the minds of those who can pay for it. They could have a hundred people hooked up to one mind as an audience. The more exciting the life of the individual, the more exciting the show is. They do make money from it.
The proof of the mob's involvement in my case can be found in the records of a housefire that killed a person. I know the real cause and who did it. The person was a gamer. Someone who's step dad is a mob boss. She was using a different name, but if the records in the investigation show her real name, I know her family.
The reason I haven't investigated it further is because I am concerned about my and my family's safety.
I wish I could just forget it all.
perps on me , often said threaten words ,just like "you must be allow what i said to give up said what you experience about mind control , no any benefit for you ." or said "take care of yourself " and so on , they try to control my mind and let me allow what they said , i feel this mental battle too long ,.the problem is how to stop this touture for every victimes ,we all invader by perps , let us lose human right often , so against mind control still has long way to go.
Another interesting thing I just remembered is that I lived with a guy who told me an interesting story. It was in 2007-before I knew there were others called TIs. He said that back in 2001 when he was like 20 years old, he sent an email to a friend that talked about shooting the president. He said it wasn't meant seriously. Several days later, members of the secret service came to his home and questioned him. Then they told him that hey were going to harass his mind with a machine for the rest of his life. He said that he hear them fucking with him after that. He believed that they were attacking him from broadcasts into his ears from the tops of building. He didn't talk about physical torture at all though. He knew nothing of TIs, or at least said nothing to that effect. Oh, and he said the people who told him they were going to do this to him were real, not v2k.
There is proof out there. There are also a growing number of people, including perpetrators, who may someday "Blow the whistle" on the whole operation There is hope!
Are you referring to the Alternate Reality Game?
Thank you both for your input. I really appreciate it. I am thinking things over real well before I make a decision.
Hi Paul, how are you? You could do a "ghost writting" blog or make up a second account on here with a made up name and no pic, then tell your story. If you do write something up as a ghost writter I would make up a brand new email account from a library's computer so that you cannot be traced via your email. I agree that if I were you, I would not tell what you know coming from the real you, best to write about it anonymously. You must tell this story somehow, you owe it to humanity and God is counting on you making the right and moral decision to expose this evil as well. egy :)