Modus Operandi for Satan's criminals

Modus Operandi for Satan's criminalsThey will always seek to infiltrate the key positions in the society and then subvert the society's intended goodness. They have expert knowledge of how the society works, so they will exploit the society's system, if possible they will use the legal system against the good citizens by applying the laws in an evil manner, that is against the spirit of the law. They will place their agents in the key positions in the society, just take note of their sayings, notice that they would frequently make contradictory statements.We also need to watch out the publications out there, the content must be checked using content analysis couple with the Spirit of Discernment so that we can tell whether the content is reporting truthfully or is just mere propaganda.So we need to fortify the weak spots of our legal system and watch out for their infiltration in order to safe guard the wellness of our society. Remember we are dealing with beasts here, they will cheat their way if we let them, so we must be vigilant in keeping watch of them.They always come up with some too good to be true ideas to deceive the unsuspecting population into supporting them. In other words, they always lie with subtility just like the devil. They would even mix truth with fiction to make the lie sound convincing. Then they will exploit the population, leading them away from God by their appealing to flesh ideas. After that, they will cause them to suffer, to be in bondage, eventually leading them to hell. They love to control and manipulate the population using fear. They love to be feared. Satan loves to be feared for he wants to imitate God. But God is love, we need to fear God because of discipline not control. Satan mocks God in every way for he seeks to destroy everything God has lovingly created.They will exploit anything for evil. Knowledge, relationships, situations, human nature, emotions are just a few examples. They are behind the cults, organized criminal syndicates, pornography industry, terrorist organizations, anything related to the enticement of sinful behaviour. They love to create war, epidermic, crisis in order to benefit from the suffering of mankind. They have already poisoned the air that we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Nothing happens to us because our loving Creator is protecting us.We must do our best to guide the population away from them, otherwise many souls will be lost.
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