More Cheap Shielding Tips - Refuse the Mark !

Posted by Big Orange on July 27, 2013 at 9:30am
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The supercomputer satanists hate this blog. It will help protect you from constant harassment. To succeed with a good shield will also tear down past trauma compartments. Most items are cheap and have been helpful for me. May the Lord shield and protect us all.

Tilt head to stop bad brainwave feed.

1)To hamper V2K take two copper pennies and place on a strip of electrical tape. Place this over the point of cheekbones. Use bandaids in public.

2)V2K is hampered while wearing a cap by using copper mesh wrapped in tin foil. This should cover both TMJ areas, cheekbones and back of skull to restrict cerebellum entry. This should reach just above trap muscles.*

3) Place an aluminum cooking sheet on top of couch or chair behind your head to hamper cerebellum entry. Also perps hate rocking chairs.

4)If driving, place a CD holder for car visors on all visors with reflective side of CD's out and holder flipped toward sky. This hampers reading of forehead(PET scan)and blinds perps.

5)Cover forehead or back of skull with a strip of t-shirt that has 3 in. diameter buttons decorated in copper ground wire and magnets then wrapped in tin foil. These buttons are also good at defending teeth attacks. Also a vcr tape silk bandana hampers images and dreams. This video is very helpful

6)Add a surge protector to tv and cable box plug-ins for easy turn off when not in use. This should reduce ELF wave transmissions.

7)To eliminate ions in area burn candles or run an ionizer.

8)Car heat deflector is useful to put behind car seat and head to hamper cerebellum entry.

9)A case of aluminum can soft drinks is a good shield for wherever.

10)Wearing gloves and not moving hands messes up their tactile ques and breaks down computer control.

11) When attacked (direct thalamus laser burst) clasp hands behind your head covering cerebellum and bend elbows to cover TMJ areas and lean forward and look down. Practice this because they will try to block memory. Tilting head throws off most laser entries.

12)This technology was perfected for driving and attacking drivers, when head is fixed and hands are occupied you are vulnerable. When attacked and unprotected check rearview mirrors and lean on arm rest. Tilt head on an angle.

13)Turning head to extreme right or left also disconnects lasers.

14)A clay, ceramic, porcelain or terracotta pot also makes a good shield or helmet.(lady bugs)

15)Buy a cheap water bed or air mattress because they do radiate box springs while you sleep. You can use copper screen between box springs and mattress if you can't afford bed.

16)The current of an electric blanket reduces and interferes with DEWS.

17)Putting strong magnets near pillow and cerebellum area disrupts brainwave data while sleeping.

18)If you are nearsighted remove glasses whenever possible. If the computer cannot recognize it, then it cannot assimilate it. The supercomputers get a nice blurry picture. Watch this to see what they see:

19) Memory foam bedding. Egg crate foam over box springs. Cover shoulder points with foam taped in jacket.

20)Olive oil over skin after bath to restrict EMF wave penetration.

21)Mylar hung loosely from ceiling and walls and stapled together and grounded to third prong on electrical outlet. A fan should be added to disrupt radar.

22)A scout camping cook set has an aluminum pot lid which fits perfect in top of most hats. Or you can hammer pot to make helmet for under toboggan.

23)Grounding by going barefoot on grass or basement does lessen laser strength and sends much of the energy into the ground instead of you.

24)I tried silk cloth banding and the perps hated it. Take silk cloth strips and tie them around your head,ankles, top of calf, chest ,wrists,forearms and shoulders. These restricts carrier wave access to your brain and body waves.

25)Mink oil all leather protective clothing.

26)Old school mirrored sunglasses over cheekbones.

27)Enjoy Christmas all year by using Christmas lights to hold up your Mylar blankets on ceiling.

28)Ear flap hats with big buttons over TMJ area work good.

29)Protect food and vitamins and important objects in or under plate cabinets or in or under microwave oven.

30)Make copper rings out of copper ground wire and cover neocortex and limbic system when attacked.

31)Shungite stones shield electromagnetic waves. See :

32)My best hat configuration is a tall ball cap lined first with copper screen then using a hot glue gun add copper pennies(1981 or earlier). Add a layer of tin foil for cooling. Add trading buttons over neocortex area and forehead. While some say foil and copper help their reception, this configuration blocks taste and smell and speech manipulation. This also blocks headache pain and hampers limbic system control. This hat creates a loud snap when head tilting is applied.

33) Static wrist band suppressor with 1 ohm damper.

34)Entertainment centers with the back covered in Mylar or aluminum reduces easy access while watching tv. The flat screen and no ET center craze is due to easy access thru wall by laser to forehead and hypothalamus.

The HD flat screens are also supposed to subliminally trick you into thinking all the propaganda is true.

35)Leave your stove vent fan on and vary speed to mess up laser frequency entry.

36)Use thick synthetic pillows over lasered areas.

37)Perps hate flip-up shades on glasses and on bill of hat. This messes up forehead reading.

38)When showering soak a towel and place on shower curtain. Face toward the soaked towel while bathing and block forehead reading.

39)Take a neck strap lanyard and clip foil or any object to protect mid-section lasering.

Also visit:

For more info. read :

Refuse the mark!

*Bronze mesh is cheaper and 90% copper.

May the Lord Jesus Christ shield and protect us all.

"Because you have kept my order to be patient, I will also keep you safe from the time of trouble which is coming upon the whole world, to test all the people on the earth." Rev. 3:10 (TEV

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