The mind control /Toruture is directly proportional to Chemtrails from NATO. NATO has been taken over since 2003 and the United Nations has been taken over since 2005 by corporations. shows the chemtrails.Morgellons are nano crystals that grow inside the human body and on the nervous system to create a human 2 way radio that is then controlled by massive Supercomputers to make people do things they noramally would not do. The antidote is massive shifts in your body PH via eating foods that are either very acidic or very basic.. one way then the other.. shift one way then the other in food intake. No water is untainted.. no processed food is untainted now with morgellons
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  • Morgellons can be delieved in Air, in food (Dominos Pizza has them in the flour) in water. Best to get your fluids from Fruit and Vegtables until you are certain the water is morgellon free. Also shifts if PH.. from very acid food to very basic food cause morgellons to not grow.

    Once a human being has a threshold amount of morgellons they are fully controlled by the super computer and radio frequencies. It is not thier fault that thier nervous system was takne over

    Morgellons are nano crystals that grow inside the human body and on the nervous system to create a human 2 way radio that is then controlled by massive Supercomputers.

    The mind control /Toruture is directly proportional to Chemtrails from NATO. NATO has been taken over since 2003 and the United Nations has been taken over since 2005 by corporations. shows the chemtrails.

    Morgellons are nano crystals that grow inside the human body and on the nervous system to create a human 2 way radio that is then controlled by massive Supercomputers to make people do things they noramally would not do. The antidote is massive shifts in your body PH via eating foods that are either very acidic or very basic.. one way then the other.. shift one way then the other in food intake. No water is untainted.. no processed food is untainted now with morgellons

    Morgellons form in the human body from Chemtrails. The US military/NATO/DoD is responsible for massive torture/Murder

  • Ron, are these particles that can leave the body somehow?

    I'm starting an ion cleanse treatment plan on Wednesday, wondering if I can get rid of this stuff, along with laser induced plasma.

    I have strong urges to jump out of a fast moving car, jump over the edge of an indoor track, other things. Its very uncomfortable, I never feel safe inside my mind.
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