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  • GINA, HI!!...I wrote a long reply to you, just to let you know, but the sick evil Military (Air Force) planes are going over me and knocking out my internet connection so I can't communicate with you all!   I'm trying to type and reconnect to the internet as fast as I can!  Did you get a long reply from me on this?  I must go soon to a Dr.'s appnt., but I am being treated very correctly and good by Dr. Hildy (Hildagard Staninger)...she even did a phone consult for me, and can be an Expert Witness in Court for me!!  I recommend her!!  She claims she can get rid of the Bio Marks..they are spraying me faster than i CAN DETOX...CALL OR I'LL TRY TO WRITE LATER AGIAN!!  I GOT A NEW APPLE COMPUTER, VIRUS FREE, I NEED TO GET A WIRELESS INTERNET PROVIDER NOW THAT CANNOT GET KNOCKED OUT OFTEN.  Your info. from article is excellent...can you still find what is admissible in Federal Civil Court?  For Scientific Evidence?  Hearsay from these sites, is not permissible usually.  Need "Scientific Articles" from Scientiests and or dog pile for "what is scientific evidence" in Fed. Civil proceedings.  Westlaw has a FREE 800 number and I ordered, you can too, the book of Scientific Evidence for Federal Court for our Court cases...I still need a large attorney group and a Security Guard and Eye witness.....let everyone KNOW I AM SEEKING THIS, I CAN NOW PAY A LITTLE.....NEED A LAWYER, SECURITY GUARD, AS THEY ENTER MY HOUSE, SPRAY FORCED NANO KILLERS ON ME AND CALL ME DELLUSIONAL...VERY SICK AND OBAMA IS FUNDER THIS SICK PROGRAM, MORE IN THE COMING YEARS!!   WE GOT TO STOP IT....I NEED OTHER VICTIMS TO COME AND DO A PRESSS CONFERENCE WITH ME IN THE NEAR FUTURE....HAVE ANY OF THESE PEOPLE WHO CAN HELP ME, CALL ANY TIME:  480-786-8883

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