Most of the victims of mind control are children and young adults. They get drugs in the processed food, in water, in chemtrails, and in food and alcohol that has what are called "date rape drugs" even adults have this problem and it a crime against humanity and torture.A mass grave of children in Butler County Missouri exits..Similar to the mass grave in Montreal Canada from 1953-1977Google Duplessis Children MK Ultra and Cheney have stolen our children.. sold them off.. for Sex Slavery-God will judge them for this- since 1989I would like to point out that the US media was attacked in 1989 when this article went Public. It is in regards of MK ultra mind controlled boys from an orphanage in Lincoln Nebraska being taken into the White House during the Reagan Bush Sr. Years and given summer internships to deliver documents-( pre e-mail). These boys and some girls were used as sex puppets by politicians.A 60 minutes episode was to air and was already made. The show was confiscated and never aired. Somewhere on the Internet you can watch is the article in a 1989 Newspaper.I do believe that the weapon was used to hide this from the public and many people died in DC that knew this.It is a massive crime against humanity, a crime against the USA, and a crime against the children from the orphanage.Also there have been accounts of Children being taken by Bush Senior, as well as Bush JuniorHere are some documents regarding the Bush/Cheney kidnapping of children and sex slavery rings by them.Finders%201%20of%203.jpg
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