Posted by JustMeKaren on August 29, 2014 at 8:55pm
Everyone who believes they are targeted needs to think logically about there situation but not until they truly understand a bit about the program, tactics and technology. It's taken me a year and four months but recently I've been getting stronger and it has let me really see how they been truly manipulating my thoughts and behaviors. It makes me realize they are doing the same with those around me except for the strong ones.. For example.. When I'm agitated they always have my family and my children point their phones at me. I now hold my phone up on silent and take their pictures.. Haha.. It stops.. I don't get agitated I just document. Or there are times I just ignore.. I must say I am bad because I study people and their behaviors and patterns.. I think it comes with the territory of TIs however I've always been in tune with people my whole life. My family and kids do all the signaling they say handlers do but that could be the program manipulating those around me. I've tried different experiments and tactics because I trust no one .. I can't and I know that's hard but you have to look out for yourself once this happens because even your loved ones will inadvertently hurt you through the manipulations. It's not as if the ones you do love are trying to hurt you but ultimately they may if they are being influenced and manipulated.. That's why I don't beat myself up anymore trying to figure out who is and who isn't being bought off.. I'm sure with all my documenting and close scrutiny it will reveal itself in time, and in the meantime I live with those closest who do love me but I still am watchful. It's a tough spot to be in. All I can offer is follow your gut, your instincts and your heart.. Your brain when totally clear is good to follow but we know it can be manipulated. I still believe my instincts are good. However I don't make any rash judgements anymore.. Like I said I observe, document, experiment and come up with conclusions over time....We all should know there is much more manipulation than we realize.. The perps know too much about every detail in our intimate lives. So I still question who is monitoring me.. My newest theory is they are using my family and friends without them knowing to hit me with RF through their phones to mine and to my person ( I always feel worse when all phones are going on around me) and I can tell because their phones and mine drain the battery much faster at these times. They also get on their phones exactly at the same time I go to do email or get on pp. I do experiments and have been and can tell from them how some of this works with the cable tv, smart electric box they installed on my house (bad energy and voltage sent thru my house). during the day it's different, I know a few neighbors that are new and I have people sitting in cars all around my house. That doesn't happen at night.. The one house behind me only has cars during the day and is empty at night..I combat it with tons of candles and fans (low energy things that moves the air in house and disrupts the frequencies and waves). Also music from old radio playing CDs. Old school simple things do help, that and you must move around and do the things Big Orange says about them not hitting your head.. Tilt head to right.. Move it left and right try to crack it, pop it and you'll hear a small crack and you'll start to notice disconnection from the head stuff .. It doesn't always work but I've found some success... I don't get V2k but I do have app on my phone called frequency generator and another called brainwave studio .. They play frequencies.. The generator I use with a frequency of 548.00 and 936.00 sometimes helps block the technical and mind interference. The brainwave studio has a lot of different sounds and frequencies that help to relax, think, concentrate. check it out. Sorry for rambling but thought I would share my experiences.. Stay calm, observe, document if you have to instead of lashing out and live life.. They hate that the most.. Laugh smile