I have made a decision to document all comments that the torturers have blocked from appearing on "https://firstlook.org/theintercept/". The owners of this website have previously posted my comments on the internet whenever they received them, so I know that it is not them blocking the posts. 

The latest Comment that I wrote was in response to the following article by GG.


In 2010, I stumbled upon an article on the internet that solicited bids on a software that would - for lack of a better characterization - "manufacture consent". The software requirements would be met such that the implementation would simulate from one server multiple "fake" users who would appear to be located anywhere in the world. These "users" would agree or disagree, in accordance with how the "manufacturer of the consent" wished for the outcome.

This Comment failed to post on this 04.10.2014. No amount of Post Comment clicks seemed to send the text to the Comments section of that website. 

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