I have never written my complete experience and wanted to create an overall document. So here goes...My name is Karen and I am a victim of gang stalking, mind control (remote neural monitoring & mind manipulation) and electronic harassment. I believe I am a targeted individual of unseen forces used by a covert operation.I was married for 18 years and had two beautiful children.. All the while I worked and created a career for myself. I started as a secretary and after ten years was a senior manager in a Fortune 500 company with 18 employees under me. I oversaw large hospital computer operations. From registration, to orders, charges and results to billing and collections, I understand the entire healthcare spectrum. I got divorced in 2006 and had a long term relationship for 5 yrs. At the same time I divorced, I left my long term employer to start designing and building healthcare software. I started in the financial systems creating streamlined system processes. I moved to Business Intelligence where I started working with big data, risk projections, predictive algorithms and population management for mass healthcare data management.Once I was alone with my children in March 2013 (no significant other) I began to have continual gang stalking and gas lighting. Everyday I was escorted to and from work by mobs. They would wait on side of road and pull out in front and behind me. A drive that took 40 minutes one way now became a hour one way. It was so obvious I couldn't believe others did not notice.. I realize now it was only meant for me to see... This covert program has a way to only have you feel and experience things that others are completely oblivious to. I now know those around me were manipulated to not see or believe.I spoke about the crazy things happening to me.. My family listened at first and after 2 weeks they started to become agitated around me and my mother was almost manic because she felt I was loosing it. Me, the rock of the family wasn't "sharp, witty and in control". My son and mother proceeded to get court order to institutionalize me. I was calm and collected one night when the police showed up & informed me the ambulance was coming to take me to Norristown State Hospital. I was in my driveway and wasn't allowed to go back in my house to the bathroom or to get my things. I stayed calm and even hugged my son & mother and told them I loved them and it wasn't their fault. Once at the hospital, I spoke to an intake coordinator first then the doctor on call. After 15 minutes the psychiatrist states there is no reason to keep me (I clearly stated I was no threat to myself or others). He states he will process paperwork and I could then leave. I wait approx. a half hour and the doctor comes back in and states, no, I can't leave they are keeping me. He said he spoke with other staff and they re-read my family's statement again and felt they should keep me. No legal reason was given.I was processed through admissions and four hours later I was given meds and taken to a room to sleep. All I can say is the next 5 days were hell on earth.. Drugging, stalking (inside hospital) made to sign black boxes without reading anything they were documenting. As some may know, being detained against your will and used as a lab rat is the nicest way to explain the horrors. They even sent men into the showers when I was in there alone showering.After 5 days (Pennsylvania legal timeframe to detain is only 72 hours.), I went before the magistrate to see if they could keep me an additional 20 days. The magistrate states to me.. There is no reason for admission for you... I look at her and state, then why are you detaining me against my wishes? I was released that afternoon.That is when I realized I am on my own and must wait to become knowledgeable before speaking to anyone. If they could hold me against my will for 5 days then some important people wanted me quiet.I was able to use my medical history (epilepsy) and medication reactions as my reasoning for having "delusional thoughts" and playing their game to get out of detainment. My mother was distraught because the doctors in the hospital would not and did not call my neurologist. They were blaming my meds for the reason for temporary psychosis but never called my doctors?? And tried to force meds on me until I refused them. Hmm? There were many events & episodes in detainment that were unethical and just wrong. I have documented all of them.Once home I was under care of my neurologist who said the combo of drugs I was on along with steroids and antibiotics (I had bronchitis) did cause the medicine reaction. I went back to work and continued to be stalked. I now had people showing up at work and following me on foot in the buildings I work at (note you need a security badge to enter our premises.). I began to research gang stalking and came to find FFCHS and peacepink. I began reading and becoming knowledgeable on all aspects of being a targeted individual.I had to follow up with outpatient psychiatric care due to state regulations for involuntary commitment. I saw the state appointed counselor 3 times. I took their tests and was told.. "You are not depressed or have any reason to be seen again by a counselor. " This is when the physical ailments began. While working I began bleeding vaginally non stop for months. I had 4 doctor visits diagnosing me with a normal UTI over the course of 6 months. I ultimately had to have uterus surgery to stop the bleeding at the end of July that same year. After surgery they found my bladder was infected with klebsiella pneumonia and had been the same bacteria strain shown on all previous lab work (misdiagnosed with the 4 UTIs.) I then knew I needed all my medical records from all doctors. The uterus surgery turned into an infection in my uterus. The OB doctor states there was dead tissue left In uterus which became infected. I also began having black outs which I believe were mini seizures. At the same time I began feeling disorientated and dizzy to the point of collapse. I was seeing 3 different specialists; OBGYN, Urologist and my Neurologist of 15 years. They all pushed medicines for me to take to alleviate symptoms. The infections were healed after long term regiment of heavy duty antibiotics. However the brain cognitive issues remained. Note, I have been given 75+ Different prescriptions from over 7 doctors over 2 years time.I began getting sharp throbbing pains throughout my body at the end of 2013/ beginning 2014. Stinging throbbing pains in shoulder, legs, feet, private areas, breasts and more. I also had unexplained burns on my body, one a third degree burn under my right breast after waking in the morning. Too many to note here but all are documented.I was out on disability after the uterus surgery and major bladder infection. I was denied disability and had to go back to work with major cognitive issues. The insurance company settled out of court for a twentieth of what they owed me. I continued with cognitive symptoms and was having medicine changes almost weekly. I passed out at work in July 2014 and had to go out on disability again. I saw an ENT specialist for the tinnitus I began to have, as well as the dizziness. I was tested, ears cleaned and MRI completed. I was diagnosed with vertigo & hearing loss and given even more drugs. Since I've worked in healthcare industry all my life and many of my friends and coworkers are professionals with degrees (doctors, nurses, scientists,etc.) I have had a lot of counsel and they all believed something was wrong and that I wasn't getting adequate coordinated care. I saw neurologists at both HUP and Jefferson Hospitals. I saw a PhD, neuropsychologist and had a neuro psych evaluation. The theme I was now being pushed into was psychiatric care.. They diagnosed me with migraines and anxiety and all agreed a lot of the medications could be causing underlying symptoms.I began weaning from all meds late 2014. The cognitive issues continued and worsened. I fell in my yard and had terrible laceration to the bone from the disorientation. I continued to have worse memory problems, tinnitus, dizziness. Looking through and analyzing my own medical records, it clearly has shown major cognitive and physical issues and to chalk up to mental was incorrect and just wrong. In order to continue with treatment and to try and obtain disability for a second time, I agree to see a psychiatrist and counselor. The counselor states there is something wrong with my care and anyone would be anxious and frustrated if they continued with symptoms for over a year and very little was examined or diagnosed.Now after seeing both for 5 months they believe the symptoms are not caused from mental health and keep stating I need to see endocrinologist and new OBGYN. The latest neurologist visit came up with two new issues in May 2015. My blood pressure drops dangerously low with any big movements .. The odd thing and neurologist states he has never seen in all his practice is that only my diastolic pressure is dropping. (120 over 60 drops to 120 over 30). It happened on repeated testing. My thyroid is also showing large drops and my free T4 is dropping very low on lab reports.I continue to have major cognitive and physical issues with no underlying causes found yet. I can tell my story strictly from medical perspective or I can now add in the other facets, experiences and events that led me to know there was more going on in my life making me a targeted individual. I did not nor do I conclude all physical symptoms are caused by the covert harassment I receive. However all can be attributed to real, patented technology now used to torture innocent citizens.During this time period I also had other unexplained negative events in my life. My electric was switched to a smart meter at the end of 2013. My appliances began failing and even brand new ones were blowing up. These include but are not limited to; 3 refrigerators, 3 microwaves, TV (which caught on fire), surround sound system, xbox game, washer & dryer, heater motor, hair dryers, pool motors and even 8 light bulbs in one hours time. I have had the electric company(PECO) out to my house numerous times to be told nothing is wrong and they are not liable. I have had my new electric (that was completely redone when I moved in 15 years ago) double checked by an independent electrician I trusted. There were no issues inside the house. Only now that I am documenting and publicizing these episodes are they starting to lessen. You do not go from normal wear and tear to every possible appliance breaking in one year, even brand new ones. This also included 2 brand new computers and phones. During the same time my water was shut off twice in my home. (Both on holiday weekends) The water authority could not give me any answers as to why or any notice. The township I live in started sending me notices that I was in breaking township regulations because my bushes were growing too tall?? The crazy harassment and expodentially bad occurrences have continued for last year and a half with every aspect of my life being affected. (Car break ins, house break ins, shower broken, screws in all my railings removed, the list is very long.)I began realizing my mind was being read and thoughts projected back into my brain when I started documenting all the unexplained occurrences around the beginning of 2014. I did not just assume what was being done. I documented and experimented until I was positive what was happening to me.I documented thoughts I had during the day and then when my thoughts appeared on tv, social media or came out of the mouth of friends, family and strangers I then documented back to my initial thought. This now happens 24/7 in my life. No matter what I think about it will somehow be discussed, displayed somewhere in my life. I keep a daily journal with all of this documented data. There is just too much and too many examples to note here. I also document how those around me have changed behavior patterns as well. Distancing themselves using the excuse they don't want to bother me? Once I step back and look at all that has happened in 2 years I realized there were other forces working against me.The organized stalking continues to this date and I now have a database I created to store and document.I don't buy into all the shielding hoopla. If I test something and can see it deters or deflects the frequencies being beamed to my person or the electronics I possess, I then know it works and I use that method. Not all work but there are certain things that stop radio waves, microwaves, scalar waves and frequencies and can be utilized.I do believe in homeopathy and using natural resources now to help in fighting what is being done to my person. I also have come to test and experiment with natural remedies and foods. I can honestly state that outside control of my person and brain is harder when my body is not filled with fluoride, GMO products and toxins.With every aspect of my life; physical (unexplained high volume of unexplained illnesses & symptoms), mental (documented episode daily of mind reading), financial (denied disability twice but actually stated I was disabled but not on the right dates leading to financial stress), resources & utilities (electric, water, municipal, etc. ), social (friends and family manipulated to isolate) there is little doubt, I am a targeted individual of covert harassment.