What I put together in my latest FLYER appears to be of concern of Americans and, I believe, has them contacting their State officials.  This is such a good thing and the FBI may be scheduling an appointment with me at long last because they don't like the publicity.  People are able to relate and understand the content of this FLYER; and that is why.  The organized gang stalking and EH flyers of yesteryear didn't do a thing to help me make any headway  with our horrible situation because people could not relate to it.   Maybe this will help shed some light on the rest of what's going on with us and these dreadful weapons.  


The technician at the controls has applied many tactics to keep the FLYER under wraps such as making it difficult for me to walk and at night after I get home and intend to go back out and distribute them throughout the neighborhood, I am made to be exhausted and weak.  Regardless, I will continue to get them out.

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  • Was out last night distributing flyers and they nearly crippled me tweaking my knees so badly not only in the usual spots but directly under the patella so that when I climbed up and down front porch steps I could barely manage.  And, then came the loud audio sound effects of aircraft flying very low and directly overhead - no aircraft present - just more of the same projections to give lockheed a few cheap thrills.  And, then striking me directly behind head at base of skull causing me to nearly pass out and threatening me with death...   THEY react to all of my activities when it comes to exposing these crimes but particularly this flyer they appear to be adament about stopping it from reaching the pubic which means I'm on the right track.  The response I'm getting is excellent.  When I hand it to a university student or fraternity house, they are reading it carefully and going  to their computers to research.  Everyone I give it to is  finding it food for thought.  I wish it wasn't 10 cents a copy when I need a few thousand copies because it's expensive.  I added another line at the end of flyer in very small print in order to direct them to DEW's and us:  'Americans have not been kept informed about the military's arsenal of Directed Energy Weapons... it's been covered up.'

  • Dear Lynn:

    Thank you very much.

    take care,


  • I do not get  "joy"  passing out flyers but knowing that my voice is being heard and that Americans are being educated and informed does give me a sense of satisfaction.  It also gives me a great deal of satisfaction knowing that it flies in the face of perps who leave strange messages for comments not only here at my page but with others as well. 

    P.S.  I have lots of energy and that's not a problem except when I'm being targeted with satellite space-based directed energy weapons systems.

  • I know I get a lot of joy when I pass out flyers.   :)


    I hope you get more energy to do it.

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