Guys, this is really bothering me. Back in October or November of last year is when they really started getting into my personal life. My perps got on the internet and looked up the music that I listen to and insulted me about my music. All of this was done to me through electronic harassment and voice to skull. They listened to most, if not all of the songs that I listen to and harshly insulted me about it. They did this for days. They started doing this by reading my thoughts. They had no right to do this to me and I gave them no permission to do this to me. One night I was having a conversation with my grandmother and she asked me what music I listen to and a thought about a bands name popped up in my head and thats what got these people started. As for the insults, they called me many names. One of my perps said "your songs ain't shit". Thanks to my asshole perps, my musical tastes are trashed. Now everybody knows all the artists, songs, and types of music I listen to, thanks to these douchebags. Thanks to them, now I have to find new and different music to listen to. They know everything about my personal life. My life has been trashed. The music I listen to is no surprise to anyone now. Has this happened to anybody else? I have had thoughts about suicide because of this. They even knew I wanted to become a goth, but thanks to them I'm not going to become a goth because of the gossip and rumors that they have spread about me. Now everybody knows that I wanted to become a goth but its too late now thanks to the rumors and gossip, my personal life is trashed. My life is no surprise to anyone. My life is trash now. Is there anyone who can relate to this?
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i think there was definitely some NLP going on with. he would subconciously put thoughts into my head, to direct me towards an outcome that would favor his plan. however, in order to mind hack me, he had to first do some kind of implant (which he did in my sleep and at other times) then, he had to do the "mapping". i've often thought that he might also be "controlled" or like u say, part of the machine.
yea, i understand that it's similar to an internet wireless connection.
This post really puts things in perspective...they ARE already in my head is have we been mind-hacked? is that what my ex-boyfriend was doing on the computer the whole time he was with me??? when i thought he was playing poker?
Hi Bernard, did they exploit your musical tastes and insult you about it?
I know that if I were to change my musical tastes as of right now, they would exploit and trash that.
@Paul, yes I know, they are the lowest life forms of existence.
@Sue, here recently I have thought about changing my musical tastes. I have been thinking about changing the music that I listen to after my electronic harassment is over. I feel I have to listen to some different genres of music because these people have exploited my musical tastes. Now everyone thats involved in my harassment knows all the different genres of music that I listen to and spread gossip about it to other people. But I have also thought about keeping the same music and listening to it. I'm not sure whether or not if I should keep listening to the same music that has been exploited or listening to new different genres of music. These people are sick.
Its okay, no problem.
I didnt understand that you knew this...sorry. Many TIs dont get that and then spend a lot of energy trying to block things that are pointless to block.
Like I said Aaron, they dont need to search it up on your computer, they have that list as you make it up in your mind. Do you realize that?
then of course they want to flip you shit about things that might bother you. Its just a thing many TIs dont realize-they are in our minds,. they dont need to invade internet lists or computer lists.
Hi Paul, they were not invading my internet files. They got on the internet and looked up all the music that I listen to. They literally searched it up and listened to it while insulting me about my music.
One thing you might want to be aware of is that the perps are reading your mind. They dont invade your internet files, they have your thoughts as you think them, far sooner than when they get to your finger tips to type them into the computer. If you get v2k, they are reading your mind. They just havent let you know it yet, They did it to me for years before they told me. Now they go about telling me what my thoughts are as I think them, its frustrating at times, to hear your thoughts before you're ready to. It not natural. This time 'lag' in thought process we experience gives them time to insert their thoughts and ideas through v2k and can seem very close to original thought. If you concentrate you differentiate between an insert and your own thoughts.
The importance of recognizing this is that once you realize that they have your thoughts, you dont waist energy hiding everything unnecessarily. It does bring other hardships, like now that you know that they are in your head, where do you hide? WE are alive because they dont kill us. So they have some need for our existence. Being in our brain is one of them. I dont know what to say but that it is true and real. There is no need to hide. There is no need to look for cameras, you are the camera. They see through your eyes, hear through your ears and feel what you feel.