I live in canterbury kent uk.
I am suffering abuse from my neighbours 2 brothers of whom are using an electromagnetic wave mind control device.
they are also using a mind reading app i have done research on-line i have found the one they are using a it comes with a source code which one of the brothers is using i have reported it to the police but they do not believe me as cases like this are so highly rare.
One of the brothers said get out or die through to my mind through the mind control device he was using a powerful electromagnetic device leg muscles tightened so strong i had to leave my property immediately.
i thought i was going to die.
I am a victim of a targeted individual:
I have tried to send an e-mail to these people but unfortunately
it doe's not work and the only form of contact is e-mail.
I am at risk of being homeless because of this situation
i have applied for jobs of where i can get accommodation provided.
but unfortunately there no guarantees.
if anyone you could please help me i would be most grateful.