My personal life

Most of, if not all of my personal life has been torn apart. These people are very sick and very nasty. I have been a target for three years now. Back in October or November of last year is when they really started getting into my personal life. They got on the internet and looked up the music that I listen to and insulted me about my music. All of this was done to me through electronic harassment and voice to skull. They listened to most, if not all of the songs that I listen to and harshly insulted me about it. They did this for days. They started doing this by reading my thoughts. They had no right to do this to me and I gave them no permission to do this to me. One night I was having a conversation with my grandmother and she asked me what music I listen to and a thought about a bands name popped up in my head and thats what got these people started. As for the insults, they called me many names. They know everything about my personal life. My life has been trashed. I want to tell more on here about what has happened to my personal life but I figure its too personal.

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  • Sam, IMHO, that is one heck of a great post, and the right attitude for we TI's.  We have to toughen up and learn to laugh at as much of their shenanigans as possible.  GL, all!

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