again and again I see that my post are overanswered in the way to just look at another side.... OK ACTUALLY looks as I´m hitting of answer of V2k.
I´m going to school everyday there are 15 students more . I cannot put wire on all of them of tape their mouths.... (LOL could be very funny) Most of them or ALL are playing stalking role.. (most of time they are not saying nothing wrong, are the guys behind computer, another times yes thay are, (they kick my table when I´m writing or they put me music about get out in German)
Again i cannot change people or World the only I can change is myself. And the way that is working for ME is to be FUUUULL OF LOVE AND TRUST ON MYSELF. That is very very powerfull... Is not easy but it´s POSSIBLE. Two months ago I could stop everything because what the people says or think about me NOWADAYS I just laught about it, I´m not focus on listen what the people is saying about me, I don´t waste time and energy (yes.... save energy is very important, physical and mental) to get worried or angry about what they say. Giving smiles is the most powerfull weapon that I can through them, (because they are not getting the result expected, that I get angry, nervous, cry, break down... and leave the classroom. I repeat again.. I deal 5 hours per day with V2k and 15 stalkers in classroom (+ people on street and buses)
I just notice they are so desperate that today was passing in front of me 2 Military big Vans,one of vans when was near by me the driver was saying to something to the ones behind.(I guess I get some wave present?? LOL) I don´t giv a sh..t . What should I do?? Stay at home and wait till next energy attack?? Nooooo I gonna continue in my goals till end. Kisses to all my stalkers, I love them :D