I dont mean the top level organisers of our harassment (they are the ones doing the mind-controlling) but I mean almost everyone else, from your neighbour, to your doctor, to the strangers in the street who "perp" us.

I have gotten very used to gangstalking but Ive still always wondered HOW/WHY people could act so inhumanely. Now I know it is all through mind programming and manipulation. Electronically this can begin while a baby is still in the womb.

People CAN be remotely mind controlled to behave in ways completely outside of their norm without their "normal" brain even knowing what exactly they are doing. There is a mass of information about this being done to people worldwide, - just google electronic mind programming. Therefore the lack of support we face, people are programmed NOT to help us, unfortunately they are not stronger then this programming and behaviour modification.

Apart from all the internet information on this subject my biggest and most reliable proof is my mum. She has loved and raised me like the best of mums do. She is so gentle and humane she wouldnt hurt a fly. Suddenly in recent times she has started "perping" or harassing me. Then she just forgets it like it never happened. Its as quick as a light switch. At first i thought she knew what she was doing and I was in such shock because she has been nothing but loving all my life.

Then by observation I realised she goes into a zone where her normal brain is being fully manipulated and her normal self completely forgets what she has said or done. Its like she's compartmentalised. Her "right mind" doesnt know what her "wrong mind" is doing.

This is enough proof for me, if they can get my loving, devoted mother to perp and harass me they can get anyone to do it to me. If my own mother is able to be victim of a mind controlled state to the point she can engage in my harassment then it doesnt suprise me at all that they can mind control anyone else to do it to me.

Mind control and behaviour manipulation is extremely powerful, thats why no-one will or can help us. We are living in times of mind control of the masses.

So dont be angry at the everyday people who perp us. I believe their right and natural mind isnt aware of what they are doing. Their own humanity is being robbed from them. We are ALL victims of this evil crime.


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