The people who run the hostel are the salvation army.
Some of them are taking a cut from drug dealing, the pushers have thier own rooms and to anyone who stays here long enough its obvious.
They became very concerned when someone among the staff told them i have reported pushers to the police on many occasions before in regards to my old home in birmingham. so since september they have been trying to get me out of the room, frame me for damage to thier property and frame me for serious fraud in regards to benefits entitlement and now they want to kill me because they tried early on in my stay here to do so.
Thier salvation army staff member who did this is Mr Mathew Percy. by implying and outright lying that i am ill, saying this among his own people and they as the organisation called the salvation army coluding with other organisations such as mi5 and the police . As to prepare the ground for my impending unnatural as yet unknown undiscovered cause of death".
In the last month of 2010 i bought 12 bags of ferilizer and a steel shed. i intended to grow my own food in my shed because i didnt trust my drug pushing and drug taking neighbours.
In 2011 two army chinook helicoptors flew over our block and circled the block. they stayed for a couple of minutes then off they went. During the year on more than four coccasions a chinook came back, it only flew over the back garden areas which included are own back garden, they did not attempt to fly over the other gardens on the block. so the number of houses thier flight path just happened to take in as they flew over was four including our own. This is the number of houses on our block. it flew low each time.
On a number of those occasions i actually caught them on video and camera. these photos i will upload asap.
Someone had possibly lied to them in an attempt to frame me as a "domestic terrorist". I believe the drug pushers have friends in the local police force, corrupt elements. not in anyway the forces civil or military at large.
So in one way or another we are talking about mi5 and other bodies and law enforcement agencies being involved but in what capacity is impossible to say as yet.
I beleive thier has been and still is a very savage slander campaign going on against me which has gone on for many years now.
My main concern is someone here ( or a lot of them :) ) do not want me to release the recorded materials i have because its going to show them for what they truely are.
This may mean they want to murder me. thats how it is right now.
Of course such people would never dream of monitoring my activity on websites such as peacepink? they would not want to bring up the sensitive issues of stimulators and how they are used to torture us and our loved ones.
At the end of the day they are very angry that i have and still do pass on my knowledge and measures to counter thier abuses. record people and learn to live close together and lets give each other our support and social community environment :).
I was 29 when i "let go" of any religious ideas, though some people choose to keep a belief, i may not make the same choices, I will always respect the choices of others. However i do whole heartedly believe in the better qualities of Humanity and i hope you like all of us find peace and a happier time in your life and sooner rather than later Truth.Now :).