This is to confirm for the record & in my own true words. I am not a member of Facebook or Twitter or any other websites or any forums on the WorldWideWeb. Other than 'Only' PEACEPINK!. Any other websites or forums that av my name attached to it. Is all lies & is false!... I am a T'i 'Targeted Individual' of EH 'Electronic Harassment'. I am constantly being attacked everyday! Wiv DEW 'Directed Energy Weapons'. I av joined Peacepink to tell my personal story in my life & wot is happening to me on a daily basis. & chatn to other TI's who experience the same harassment. This is my true & only statement that is to be believed & in my own words as a Targeted Individual. & this is to be used in a court of law to bring the perps who target me to justice. Your's sincerely 'Carl' United Kingdom...