Nanotransistors Readied for Humans
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In Jesus Christ Services
Wayne Morin Jr
Nanotransistors Readied for Humans
Following the lead of American researchers, scientists in Korea have moved from the realm of science fiction and developed the worlds smallest transistor (the nanotransistor) using a single molecule. Dr. Eric Drexton, a leading proponent of nanotechnology, says that nanomachines, or biological robots, injected in human bodies, can be programmed to recognize and kill cells. "Intelligent nano-scale devices will, in a few years, be injected into the human body," says Phil Kuekes, a computer scientist at Hewlett-Packard Labs.
Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, is reputed to be leading a massive nanorobot research effort headquartered in India and Korea. Could this research effort involve the injection of nanorobots into humans via vaccines?
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