National Science Foundation-Research

 nsf_logo-96x96.jpg National Science Foundation     |     Directorate for Engineering  (ENG)
Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, & Transport Systems  (CBET 
Additional Program Information - 1491  
Example Areas of Research
Recent Research
Example Areas
of Research
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Program Director

The Biotechnology, Biochemical, and Biomass Engineering (BBBE) program supports fundamental engineering research and education that advances the understanding of cellular and biomolecular processes and eventually leads to the development of enabling technology and/or applications in support of the biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, and bioenergy industries, or with applications in health or the environment.  Example projects in these areas are shown below. 

There are a number of programs within NSF that fund related research areas to those funded by the BBBE program.  For example, the Biomaterials program in the Division of Materials Research and the Biomedical Engineering program in CBET both fund research in the area of stem cell and tissue engineering, though each program has its own unique emphasis.  

The Energy for Sustainability and the Catalysis and Biocatalysis programs, within CBET, fund research related to the use of biological processes (metabolic engineering, synthetic biology and biocatalysis) to produce fuels and chemicals. 

The Networks and Regulation cluster within the Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Division of the Biology Directorate funds research in systems and synthetic biology.  

Principal Investigators are encouraged to contact the Program Directors of the BBBE and the other related programs to determine the best program for their proposal. 

Listed below are selected Award Achievements and Highlights* that illustrate specific focus areas of this program:
 Focus Area Fiscal
 Principal Investigator
with Link to Abstract

 Simplified Title
with Link to
Award Achievements
and Biofuels
 2011 Papoutsakis, Eleftherios
University of Delaware
 Coming by Biofuels Naturally
and Biofuels
 2009 1. Kelly, Robert
North Carolina State University
2. Adams, Michael
University of Georgia
 Biohydrogen from Plant-based Biomass by High Temperature Microorganisms
and Biofuels
 2008 Liao, James
University of California-
Los Angeles
 Non-Fermentative Pathways for Synthesis of Branched-Chain Higher Alcohols as Biofuels
 2010 Sharfstein, Susan
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
 GOALI: Antibody Engineering for Improved Productivity
 2010 Miller, William
Northwestern University
 Niche-Inspired Expansion of Megakaryocytic Progenitors with High Polyploidization Potential
*Cellular Engineering 2009 Marten, Mark
U of Maryland Baltimore County
 Developing a Better Understanding of Cellular Recycling in Fungi
 2009 1. Papoutsakis, Eleftherios
Northwestern University
2. Papoutsakis, Eleftherios
University of Delaware
 Metabolic Engineering of Spore Formation
 2008 Chen, Wilfred
University of California-
 Engineering Plant-Microbe Symbiosis for Rhizoremediation
*Protein Design
and Engineering
 2010 Maranas, Costas
Pennsylvania State University
University Park
 Development of Computational Tools and Experimental Verifications for Protein Design
*Stem Cell and
Tissue Engineering
 2011 Rao, Raj
Virginia Commonwealth University
 Producing Safe Stem Cells
*Stem Cell and
Tissue Engineering
 2011 Schmidt, Christine
University of Texas at Austin
 Understanding Nerve Regeneration
*Synthetic Biology 2011 Voigt, Christopher
University of California-
San Francisco
 Programming Salmonella to Spin Spider Silk
*Synthetic Biology 2010 Schmidt-Dannert, Claudia
University of Minnesota-
Twin Cities
*Systems Biology 2009 1. Arnold, Jonathan
University of Georgia
2. Logan, David
Clark Atlanta University
3. Arnold, Jonathan
University of Georgia
 First Working Model of the Biological Clock

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