It was in the early 90s in Brownsville, Texas at a refugee center named Casa Oscar Romero that I experienced sanctuary of the Catholic Church rescuing Central American refugees. It was Sister Norma Pimentel and Sister Juliana Garcia that made an exception and let my pregnant Mexican wife that I had illegally crossed across the Rio Grande River into Brownsville, Texas stay until my oldest daughter was born.
Today there is a war. It is the United States Government, State Governments with their law enforcement intelligence, special political and interest groups against targeted individuals.
Their objective is to keep targeted individuals "boxed in". Prohibiting us from traveling abroad and to profit from our torture and death. Any participant in the advocacy ofV2K and electronic rape deserves to be dead.
Even if you go abroad Direct Energy Weapons can be smuggled into other countries in U.S. Diplomatic pouch or simply inside laptop computers like the perps did when I entered Cuba. F#ck.YOU Raul Castro ,you let American slime harass me in Havana with their Organized Gang Stalking and Direct Energy Weapon assaults.
Having traveled to 15 different countries there are only 2 countries that are acceptable for targeted individuals to gain freedom: (1.) The Republic of Iran (2.Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea).
My opinion is that Iran is the best option for targeted individuals. Hezbollah has the expertise for combat support vocational training for targeted individuals by allowing them to implant people like me that can have their heart damaged from lethal energy weapon assaults and use it as a deterrent for domestic terrorism as an excuse to kill me.
Self defense is not a crime. We need a region to protect ourselves from direct energy weapon assaults.
We can not continue to exist by allowing our bodies to be tortured and maimed while the perps sell our medical data and profit from U.S. government / corporate money. In another words if someone assaults you with a direct energy weapon you have the right to protect yourself with lethal force.
I have 25 years of harassment and have dodged over 120 years in prison from false arrest by federal , state , and local law enforcement. The prisons are generating money from slaves and these institutions provide assistance to enemies of targeted individuals
ISIS is an outlet a lot of people follow who want to fight against the United States however they are not educated or equipped to fight perps with direct energy weapons, V2K, Mind Control, Chip implantation etc. Iran and Hezbollah would be more suitable for targeted individuals.
If you have political connections inside Iran please forward this statement and I am open to any suggestions.
All targeted individuals that want to resist, give up their U.S. citizenship, and approach Iran and Hezbollah for assistance and fight for our freedom then you can start by emailing me information on obtaining assistance with the cooperation of Iran to help us advance in this cause. We are the Opressed that need to be liberated . It is more dignified to stand fighting than to lie down and be murdered by an American Government coward.
As for all you perps and spies beware there are targeted individuals like myself that are looking for a sponsor to fight you until we die!
Best Wishes for all targeted individuals
Mark Iannicelli