Hi, everyone,
I'm new here, and after I came here, I got the idea of gathering TIs in Taiwan. I do think that as a group, we could do something to help ourselves and those who haven't awared of themdelves as victims. We hope that we could file a complain to the UN and arouse the attention of the committee in the Human Right Council. People in Taiwan are not allowed to be open to the existance of EH. If some victim cannot stand the torture and crimes break out, the government would just cover the events as psychic problem of the individual. News, truth, events about EH and victims are mostly concealed to the public. Seldom people know that EH undercover around them except for the TIs. Letters from the President of Taiwan even replied that," the technology nowadays cannot achieve that," I don't know if President Ma is cheated by his staff or he is just acting because information is accessible.
I, or we, the victims in Taiwan, need some suggestions.
Most of us are long-time victims, at most 10~15 years. We suffer from the alienating from people surround for a long time, which make peolpe not eazy to trust others. So gathering together is one thing; making people bonding to each other is another. EH make it harder for us to unite together. So I would like to ask for some suggestions to solve this problem. Thanks a lot!
By the way, the name of TIs group in Taiwan is EVA (Electronic-harassment Victims' Association).