I have been harrass from DEW since 8 years ago. I am a number of a big church in Bangkok , Thailand. There are big brother group in my church. They are high position and rich in my church. They use DEW harrass me and force me to submit to them when I know they use thes weapon. They send their voice to my head said that want me to go out from church . Every day they send a heavy electromagnetic wave to make my brian dysfunction and pysical change : head and both ears are alway hot , heart rate alway riase up, bure vision , muscle spasm and pain , skin iching ,hair loss , increase weight 10 kgs within 2 months, there is electromagnetic wave sent to genital organ. They said that will just me . They force me to accept thier argument all day and all night. They force thier argument into dream as well then they wake me up and force me to speak and they send their felling while I am speaking. When I go to church on Sunday while the pastor peach the bible,they send thier voice and use the bilble word to bream me. I would like to counteract to these Big Brother group and want to find the evident report to bring these group to court of Law. I think If there are evil mind person who use thier authority to make the evil thing , it is the dark spot in the white place--Church.I need help from you to suggest me how to find the evident report :How to detect direct electromagnetic weapon, method and instrument or organization?How to detect and record subliminal sound, method and instrument or organization?Or other suggeation.I need someone to help , Please help me.