New World Order = New World Mafia

There have been so many actions recently by so many different entities that do not seem to make sense. What would cause this increase in unusual situations across so many different areas? Is there now so much money & influence/networking at the top that common sense has been put on hold? This is what too much spare money does to those people / businesses that make up the top 1% of the economy - they are ripe for delusional thinking & corruption, bribery, extortion, etc.One situation that needs to be addressed is the loopholes that allow this enormous amout of money to influence politics - it is an open invitation for corruption, bribery, extortion, and other forms of strong arm tactics to be used. We need solid common sense people to straighten things out, not people that have been bought or strong-armed by the 'system'. Instead of trying to create a New World Order with all of their money, they are actually creating a New World Mafia."In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that political groups could also accept unlimited money from corporations and unions; "super PACs," which are able to advocate for votes, effectively replaced federal 527s."
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