Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - The Target's Story


Now you don't even need to leave your home for this privilege. You and your family are on speed dial.


With so many articles on this topic, I thought it was about time that a high level overview was produced. So, in this article we are going to focus on what this system can do and present it in plain English. We have already discussed the mechanisms at length, the reception of radio telemetry from the brain and the retransmission of that telemetry to induce neural networks into firing. Now we are going to show you the entire process, from the perspective of a target. Depending on the ultimate purpose, this scenario may be quite different in terms of how it plays out. Also, given that a lot of it is dynamic, that is, related to current activity the exact sequence of events will vary.

I will split this article into multiple articles due to its length.

Humble Beginnings

It all begins so simply, one day you decide to have a drink and suddenly, before you have even taken your first sip, you feel a very mild drunk sensation. At the time, it will just seem a little odd and it will be years before you recognize the significance of this moment, or the fact that you have not been alone for a number of years.

As the years progress, a deep rooted feeling of anxiety will build with no discernible source to attribute it to. Small events, such a minor mugging, will be blown completely out of proportion, leaving the target progressively socially isolated as time passes. The mere thought of social interaction brings an immediate response of anxiety and repulsion. Little does the target realize that this response is artificial. Sleep is disrupted, strange lucid dreams manifest and slowly a paranoid mindset begins to creep in. You begin to think, or at least you feel that you are thinking, that people want to break into your home, or perhaps your girlfriend is cheating on you.

Motivated by these drivers, the personality of target slowly begins to change as a range of neurotransmitters build up in the brain.

The build up of neurotransmitters causes regions of the brain to cross-communicate information, neurons to fire sporadically. This malfunction of the brain presents itself as disordered thinking, violent/aggressive behavior and even sexual violence. Of course, the target is not meant to notice telemetry focusing them on specific actions, rather like a guided bomb. As cortisol is pumped into the body of the target, it impacts memory by making information difficult to recall and boosting the formation of new memories. This expedites the corruption of the target's cognitive abilities as the majority of relationships between this new information is frivolous (i.e. rhyming, basic patterns, etc.). At a certain point, short term memory begins to fail, slowly initially, almost imperceptible. At later stages, even to the subjective experience of the target, this will be highly perceptible.

Over the next months, the target is introduced to more "unreasonable thoughts". Ideas are introduced into the collapsing psyche that events and thoughts are related, a beeping horn, a random noise become confirmation of subjective ideas. Certain notions that the world is somehow changing, or you can "read" the world in a different way start to take root. Watching television or radio, certain words or phrases will make you realize that the shows have been written for you or are about you in some way. The target may even begin to see parallels in every event, giving the impression that world is based around a single hidden theme and you just needed to work it out to be released.

All the while, the target is blind to the big invisible radio-based hand that has been inserted into his mind, guiding the experience with nano-second precision. Slowly, the process is headed for a crescendo and stage one draws to a close. By this stage, the target will have been on the system for at least 3 years, perhaps as much as 11.

The target is primed and stage 2 can begin.

The Waking Nightmare

Like all good Hollywood nightmares, this one starts serene. The target, happily deluded, enjoys music whilst bathing in the feeling of euphoria caused by a flood of neurotransmitters. Remotely stimulated thoughts, concepts, relationships and images are woven together reinforce delusions now held by the target.

In many cases, the specific delusions are based upon demographic information. Thus, a target may start expressing ideas and concepts that are not native to their own belief system. For example, demographics may create a psychotropic sequence aimed at the religious majority of a particular group, however, the target within that group may hold a different religious viewpoint. So, a Hindu may start experiencing a christian-based sequence simply because of the area they live in.

The main concepts of the delusion are slowly exaggerated upon and gradually take a darker twist. Depending on the target's personality, the length of the process is variable. The idea is to gradually introduce them to more assertive and aggressive behavior, whilst suppressing inhibition. One of the most powerful tools is the "What if...". By introducing the target's collapsing mind to "moral dilemmas' or imaginary scenarios where they are forced to make a decision on a course of action, the ever-guiding hand will progressively select increasingly radical solutions. Until the point that you are convinced that using a rocket launcher to stop a speeding car is acceptable or worse.

Whilst this is occurring the target is progressively drawn into a world that forms in their spacial reasoning. This can be as mild as visualizing a beam coming from the next room, or a high quality visualization with almost lucid dream detail. In the extremes, it can manifest as something like a cartoon character, slightly behind you, patting you on the shoulder. Interestingly, this latter radio stimulated sequence will raise alarm bells as reports suggest it feels like a computer animation.

Throughout this process, each of the sequences follows a pattern of humiliation, although this may not be quite clear to the target at the time. Subjectively, the target is experiencing the event as though it was part of them, rather than externally stimulated. Thus, the "humiliation factor" may come across as mere comedy.

In addition to this, an attack on the central nervous system occurs, particularly motor functions with a key focus on the subjective perception of the body as a whole. That is, the body can almost feel somehow split down its center providing the sensation that each side of the body can slip past each other for a few centimeters.

This stage may include mild hallucinations that last for a few seconds. During these several weeks of intense assault, the perception of time is altered and due to ever increasing short-term memory loss, there is no difference between hours, days, weeks or months.

Then comes the bomb.

The Drop

Having built the target to a crescendo of Euphoria, it is time to introduce them to a social situation. The delusions have taken root, the psyche is compromised, the target is under the effective control of the radio signal. I say effective, because as the psyche is compromised, it cannot weigh factors in a decision properly and thus radio stimulation of neurons acts as a guide to behavior. Things will "feel right", "connected", thus the target will follow the tune. We can see how the "agreement requirement" of methods such as hypnosis is clearly compromised by the long term assault. The net effect is that the psychotropic sequence becomes blended with corrupt worldview, it does not replace it entirely. Thus, the sequence may intend a certain theme to be established, but this becomes tainted with the subjective experience of the target. They are, after all, genuinely psychotic at this stage despite the interference of the radio signal.

In any social situation you can expect your personal views to be challenged. This is something we encounter every day. When a psychotic mind meets a challenge to its worldview, it is ignored and the delusional viewpoint must be upheld by all. The result of non-compliance is to become, in the mind's eye of the psychotic target, an 'evil' element in their delusion. That makes you a legitimate target for aggression or violence.

It is at this point what I like to call 'the drop' occurs. (note: 'the drop' is a concept from Dubstep music production, it is where the song kicks in).

The drop occurs for a number of reasons, firstly the flood of neurotransmitters promotes anger and frustration. The aggression has it basis in chemicals, whilst the frustration comes from being unable to keep a consistent thought pattern in your head. Throughout this stage, the target is subjected to an complex radio signal that amplifies the signal patterns. In short, it acts like an accelerent on an open flame.

The psyche shatters, like a grenade went off in your soul. Suddenly, the target is subjectively separated from the actions of the body. Like a dreamer in a dream, they watch as the body explodes with an anger that could lay waste to entire continents if unleashed. Almost serenely, the consciousness observes the events unfold in a haze of flashes unencumbered with the consequences.

As you can see, this stage is one of the most useful in terms of military applications. It is at this point that a target can be directed at a person or group. That said, the target is highly unstable and could broaden their attack to include unintended victims. It is an unpredictable situation.

After the explosion of violence has occurred, the psychotropic sequence attempts to maintain the situation by subjecting the target to array of progressive animations, in the visualization portion of the brain, that are dynamically generated based on input from the target. This coupled by sequences of stimulated emotions, sensations and concepts.

It is at this stage that the idea of "just having died" is introduced. As the target is taking comments, words, phrases, books and TV out of context, they begin to see the world in the same way. They hear the words someone says, the see the way the move, but it is interpreted to mean something in relation to their worldview.

In this sequence, the perception of people around you is electromagnetically stimulated to provide the impression of angels, or whatever the demographic equivalent, operating people without their knowledge trying to guide you to an after-life or new world. It is surprising how easy the mind accepts such a situation.

So, at this point you are supposed to be convinced you are dead. As I mentioned earlier, due to your own worldview, this stimulated viewpoint may not fully take hold. That is, whilst you have no real choice but to follow along with it, the mind can reject the concept at a very deep level, thus minimizing the impact to the psyche. At a subjective level, this may manifest as an undefined confusion at the stimulated psychotropic sequence. That is, everything can be viewed as a puzzle that you must interpret correctly. Given the mind is collapsing and subjected to an electromagnetic attack, you are effectively blinded to the fact that the source is a signal and the brain is lost when trying to define and isolate the problem.

That said, it is at this point that an unconscious recognition of an important fact can occur. We will come to this later.

The target will have been on the system for at least 4 years, perhaps as much as 12.

The Ghost

Continuously blacking out from the trauma, partially dissociated, the subject would normally be admitted to psychiatric services as an acute case at this point. These blackouts are not your normal fainting, from the external perspective the target would continue to rant, move, etc., but subjectively they would only be experiencing time slices of a few seconds, separated with gaps of hours or days. From the perspective of the target, days are edited into minutes as the world goes by in a series of snapshots.

From the outside, the target would look like any other psychotic individual. The only difference is the severity of the case. Paying close attention to the classification of symptoms may reveal that the target has multiple illnesses at once. This is to with the fact that the psychosis is not genuine and that the psychotropic sequence borrows from a wide variety of illnesses. That said, most psychiatric services do not have the resources for such analysis, so the illness is misdiagnosed and the target forced to take medication that could prove harmful.

The target is now subjected to very intense bombardment of the psyche and central nervous system. In a dissociative state, the target is subjected to an electromagnetic 'stroke'. This confines the subject to a bed due to its power. A pulsing pressure is present in all the major muscle groups, twisting them in opposite direction. Extremely painful, the target will continue to black out repeatedly. Every time the target becomes conscious, images, concepts and a continuous monologue is present. Occasionally, auditory hallucinations may appear but this seems to have the hallmark of repeating something heard earlier suggesting it is radio based rather than a manifestation due to chemicals.

The moments of lucidity gradually begin to increase, as this happens our theme of being dead is now played upon. This next psychotropic sequence begins to attack the visual system. It draws your attention to particular features, such as a face, and then begins to induce a mild hallucination which exaggerates those features. At the same time, complex concepts are streamed to the brain in real-time manifesting the subjective experience that you are about to pass through hell itself and you can now see the demons behind certain people. Focus is also directed to low frequency noise, increasing the perception of power and the feeling of dread.

Intense fear, coupled with perfectly timed hallucinations, make this a horrific experience.

This period lasts about 4-8 weeks to conform with expectations of a psychosis if performed in the context of a psychiatric setting.

End Of Part 1

If you sit back and look at this objectively, you can basically see the goals emerge, both short term and long term:

1. Proven feasibility of remote activation of an oblivious assassin.

2. Established long term cover for continued experimentation.

3. Proven to fool trained medical professionals

4. Established a control mechanism over the target.

5. Secured long term capability to conduct experiments, both in terms of social isolation and inability to work.

6. Established a method of inducing an electronic form of a "stroke", without killing the target outright.

7. Established barriers to identification by compromising the psyche of the target.

I am sure this is a lot to take in at the moment, as the above description is very detailed and disturbing. It really brings to life the work I have been publishing for over a year now. I am sure everyone is wondering if this is a true story, the answer is yes, it is from an eye-witness testimony.

The next article will cover what happens over the next decade. Yes, you read that correctly, this is a continuous experiment run over decades, until the target either commits suicide or their heart gives out.

It gets a lot worse.

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