I have seen no relief or abating of the actions being committed against me

     As some of you know, I filed a complaint with the FBI and the Department of Justice.  I filed the complaint with the FBI in person.  I also filed a addendum to the complaint by mail certified return receipt.  That doesn't mean that the addendum I sent got there in tact without alteration or arrived at all.  I received the return receipts but the names were unreadable.  You wouldn't think that would be the case?


The anti-torture law in the United States should cause these guys worry


     Under U. S. Code Title 18, Section 2340-2340A, it is a federal crime for anyone acting in a U. S. government capacity to commit torture or to conspire to do so.

    With the passage of the anti-torture law in 1994, accompanied the U. S. ratification of the International Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading treatment or Punishment.  Adopted by the U. N. General Assembly in 1984 specifies that public officials must not only refrain from using torture, but are obliged to prevent it and to intervene actively if they become aware of it. 

     The Convention Against Torture ratified by the U. S. Congress in 1994 is clear.  There are no exceptions to the ban on torture.  The Convention Against Torture defines torture as an act "specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering" on a person.  The anti-torture law has a special section on "conspiracy" , Section 2340(c).  It says a person who conspires to commit an offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalities (other than the death penality) as the penalities prescribed for the offense, the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy.

     The USA Patriot Act extended the statue of limitations in the anti-torture law by adding it to a list of laws for which there is no statue of limitations, which applies to all violators.  The absence of a statue of limitations means that there is no time limit on prosecution as long as the people who committed the torture or conspired to torture are alive.  Those who aided and abetted in the violation of the anti-torture law should be criminally investigated for their deliberate and willing violations of the law.  Judges, prosecutors and lawyers are themselves not immune from prosecution. 

     The president, attorney general and all who take an oath of office are required to take care that the laws are faithfully executed.

Posted by Michael Benoit


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