bill nelson, probably for being able to put through and use all the data collected on victims like us. For one they want to build this super computor to create an artifical brain. To be able to do that, they need tremendously with computor power and what they need more is how the brain works, and what could be better than collecting data from living humans when they interact IRL and with imputs from artifical intelligence to have reactings from their objects./Annie
bill nelson, probably for being able to put through and use all the data collected on victims like us. For one they want to build this super computor to create an artifical brain. To be able to do that, they need tremendously with computor power and what they need more is how the brain works, and what could be better than collecting data from living humans when they interact IRL and with imputs from artifical intelligence to have reactings from their objects./Annie
those retarted at NSA, mind as well give up all their countries national intel to Locked Martain. If they havent all ready...
for what?