NSA accused of Mind Control, electronic harassment

Sunday, 15 December 2013 22:06


In the video interview below between targeted individual (TI) Sean Stinn from Chicago and Dr. Henning Witte from White TV, Sweden, the NSA is accused of being the mastermind of mind control ..............

Sean Stinns father was a cryptographer and it was likely that even he helped the NSA unwittingly.

John St Clair Akwei used the expression EMF, electro magnetic frequency. That is not correct, but at that time scalar waves had been almost unknown to the public. We know now, 2013, that the body is primarily not working with electromagnetic waves, but with a other kind of waves, which have been kept secret for more than 100 years:

Finally: there are so many contradictory tales about the alleged death of Sean Stinn, which occurred short after the White TV interview, that we can not exclude, that the NSA kidnapped him in order to proceed with their "guinea pig" in secret, so that Sean is not able to defend himself any longer. White TV has started a profound research on that topic. Both his parents had also been kidnaped to do secret research on them against their will.

Watch even on White TV: Mind Control and Satanism have close ties; 100 years Scalar Waves Conspiracy...........

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