appropriate that the street address for the NSA is 9800 Savage Road."the NSA has a secret, autonomous program called “Monstermind” that can respond to cyberattacks from other countries without human intervention...... the cyberattacks launched by MonsterMind are often routed through third-party computers housed in foreign countries.“These attacks can be spoofed,” Snowden said. “You could have someone sitting in China, for example, making it appear that one of these attacks is originating in Russia. And then we end up shooting back at a Russian hospital. What happens next?” ..... "Considering that the NSA was formed in 1952 & the CIA was formed in 1947, which is around the time when the illuminati master plan was gearing up (even the 1960s Bond films talked about a global SPECTRE organization), it makes you wonder if the illuminati have been using various governmental agencies to accomplish their worldwide agenda.
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