I used to live in Birmingham though lost the house when mum became too frail so needed professional help rather than just me as a carer.


I dont have long left on the computer as they only allow two hours, since i started early and broke off suddenly to give the computer over to another user (priority). thats why you can see entries made over the two hours limit, i can log off and the time is saved should i want to come back to my work on the same day.


During the night time i noticed the sound of what i thought was our boiler became similar to a heartbeat with long pauses between two beats. this happened frequently just a noise in the background. when i moved to cornwall i was sleeping in my boat one night when i heard this very similar or same sound and rythem coming over the bay and is impacted silghtly on the ground, i could feel it impact on me.

Now as i live in the hostel i have heard the same rythem over the last two days also while resting. i do not know its its designed to have any effect on the body though i have wondered if its designed to be imposed on the rythem of the heart.


Must be off for now, i wish you all a far better new year than the one i have been through in 2012. 

Take care :).


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  • Just to remind myself for the next visit.  why did i see the same woman when on holiday twice in the 1970s and again 30 years later as i was homeless in cornwall.  this is really very very weird and her behaviour was the same on all three occassions. bye for now.

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