I have hope! We all do! I have learned that after a warning to neighbors that what they are saying, even if not directly as a harmful threat, but as statements made as downgrading to an individual on a regular and consistant basis can be construed as harassment. I am now able, after two warnings by Seattle Police that I can obtain a restraining order. This will last two weeks, at the end of wich all parties must attend-if they do not the order is for a year or more. at this proceeding I will either have documentation from my Dr. My, Porole officer, and several friends will make statements that the comments have degenerated into indirect death threats. I will be asking my Dr. to also sing a statement as to the visits and after hours calls to confirm said harassment on an ongoing basis, causing greif, fear, alarm and emotional turmoil to the extenent of affecting my everyday life.

If the opposing party does not comply, even after I move to a new residence, they will be charged harassment and breaking a restraining order. This could lead to tickets, or jail time for the offenders. It could also lead , in a civil court to monetary damages, proven by the fact that there is a long history of calls to crisis lines and Dr.s as to the nature of the harassment and the ensuing exsaserbation of a condition they seem to know of(or actually say rather than they're knowing of voice to skull, as receive tha same as being led as an oraganized group of community stalkers and harassers) wich could lead to monetary compensation paid by the harassers to me.

Thi would set a presidence in which a part of the community would be shown to be in the wrong, and may eventually lead to admttance of technological harassment. For all of you that read this , I may be in danger for taking these actions, but I as a parent do not want our world growing into a place where money can buy anoyher human being to be tortured and terrorized by those sick individuals who would do so.

Your Brother TI

Paul Philp

of "The New Abolishment Movement"

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  • There is something that should be said...
    having face to face sightings of someone in the process
    of harassing you is one thing, however...

    The loud parties I used to hear with ppl shouting my
    name? They were all simulated. There were no loud parties.
    Someone was calling my name, but they were using V2K.
    No one else could hear it.
    Hearing stuff outside your door or next door? Same thing, unless
    you open that door and see the activity you heard.
    I'm sure you know that tortureboys like to turn ppl
    against their neighbors even by using their voices.
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