I decided to do a new blog entry instead of adding to the one here: https://peacepink.ning.com/profiles/blogs/vibrations-1
In that blog I spoke of using an electric toothbrush to stop vibrations I’d been experiencing for a couple of years. These vibs were beginning to cause some issues w/hip and knee joints for which I’d sought physical therapy.
I noticed some relief each time I would take hold of an electric floor fan to move it. This evolved into attaching the fan to a wood frame chair I sleep in so the chair would vibrate. Since I was deriving some real benefits and success in stopping joint pain, I began doing some research and happened across this: http://www.us-government-torture.com/callallfriends.html This led me to a kit he was offering here: http://www.us-government-torture.com/KIT.html
I had thought it was the counter-vibrations of the fan motor that was canceling out the vibrations I was feeling in my legs. It turns out that the floor fan motor was giving off/transmitting RF which was interfering with the perp device being used that caused the vibs.
Over time, I’ve come to believe this “leg vibration” I felt/feel is the way I am located inside my house bf a DEW attack is launched. I felt the vibs EVERY time, just bf being attacked. Once I began to use the counter vibs off and on, the perps tried to trick me into thinking it didn’t work by continuing to do the vibs bf an attack... BUT it backfired on them bcz I soon realized that the attacks that followed were never very strong - they were just aiming/shooting where they “thought” I was.
So, I began wearing 2 motors, one on each leg 24 hours a day. I wear 2 so there will be an overlap when one of the rechargeable batteries goes dead if I am asleep, and there will ALWAYS be RF attached to my body being transmitted.
BTW, it is not necessary to reshape the end of the toothbrush as I did in the “Vibrations” blog post since it is not the “vibrating” itself that is beneficial. All you seem to need is to have the toothbrush in contact w/your skin. However, I would suggest you remove the brushes from the end or you will otherwise wear a raw hole in your leg.
Buy a cheap Oral B toothbrush for $5 at WMT and stick it in your sock. It won’t cost much to find out if it will work for you too.