Dear Soleil and All, Since Peace Pink is here to support us I feel that strict measures should be taken to help us to feel more safe and supported on this site. This could also save the reputation of this site.
I returned here, to give it another chance, after being surrounded by such cruel manipulations (a year ago) that most members seemed to think I was the one who was a perp or a con artist...etc. It was even suggested that I leave the site - that I "share my work elsewhere." This hurt indescribably, because I had come here for support and had gotten the opposite. (I have copies of the emails and messages to prove this.) I forgave and came back, figuring that it was worth one more chance. Now it appears that the same sorts of manipulations are again starting against me and nobody is doing anything to stop it. And I know that I am not the only one who is being victimized here in this forum.
Since I have social work experience and used to run support groups I have a few suggestions to leave you with:
* Set up and implement rules that do not allow anyone to start blogs about other individuals, ESPECIALLY when there is obvious intent to prevent us from getting help or support. . .or are obviously trying to make us look like we are just "mentally ill" or are not real TIs...etc. We already experience this everywhere we go. Allowing it to also happen here makes Peace Pink feel as unsafe and unsupportive as the rest of the world is to genuine TIs.
* Set up and implement rules that do not allow any sort of public attacks or disputes and ban those who start them. Perhaps after one warning these types of individuals should be COMPLETELY banned from the site. (Ban the chaos)
* Set up strict rules that prevent misinformation: Perhaps create a section of the site that is for only accurate articles geared toward helping to expose these crimes, especially for Targeted Individuals. (End the confusion)
* Do something to prevent TIs from being swarmed by perps and control freaks as soon as we join. There are certain things that perps do to inconspicuously harass people here. We should draw up lists of these things and pass them to those who are obviously genuine TIs so they know what to look out for. When TIs come to this sort of site, we are usually badly hurting and are groping for some sort of support and help. . .and being delivered the opposite is too harmful. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS.
* Perhaps you could get help with administering this site if you can not keep up with preventing perps or seriously ill TIs from harassing, slandering and hurting the rest of us.
* A list of rules could be drawn up and sent to every member - (Fair warning)
If anyone else can relate or has suggestions on how to make this site feel more supportive and safe for Targeted Individuals, please add it in a comment. Yes the comments will be screened. But all genuinely kind and coherent comments that pertain to this post will be allowed.
If Soliel wants to be the one to do this. . .please go for it. Copy it and change it and past it into your own blog. I may not be able to read and accept the comments that are left, anyway. Please do all that you can to create a safe and supportive environment for Targeted Individuals, because it exists nowhere else.
I primarily came back here for the sake of sharing the results of my research for those whom it could help. My "Cry for Help" was more to feel like I did all I could to save myself also. I did not expect help here. The sly prevention of help is a BIG theme in my targeting. And its working, because most people follow along.
How many more will be slandered and harassed to death,
Before this is stopped by the remnants of the rest?