Just sometimes, I wonder if I am actually in heaven because it feels like I am having the best science fiction adventure there could be. The things I know and the mission I have in this life makes me feel like a main character of the best possible science fiction novel. I actually feel sorry for all the so-called normal people of the world because their reality seems so mundane. Us TIs reality seems much more fun doesn’t it. It’s even more fun when you believe what I believe…if you don’t know what I am talking about; read my other posts….some might say, how can I think I am in heaven when there are so many people suffering and dying in this world…..I will explain. As far as suffering, It is just a temporary thing that will pass and also serves to spice up happiness and joy. As for death; when if death is just an illusion? When if all is just your own illusion? After all can you be absolutely sure that all things that you think exist which are not within the range of your vision really exist? Are you sure that I really exist? Maybe I am just part of your personal simulation game called life…….If death do not exist; and suffering is just a device to spice up this game of life. Maybe we are really in heaven playing a game. I think the heaven I am currently in is much more fun and joyful then the picture of heaven portrayed by the Christian church….playing harp continually singing and praising God for eternity cannot compare with the heaven I am in now. Now I am fighting against a high tech evil perps to save the world from destruction. I even see the possibility that all diseases could be potentially wiped out. Funny how all of the things I want to accomplish aligns with what is written in the Bible prophecy…J below is my explanation why death cannot really exist. Death is just a necessary illusion to make me think that I don’t have another quarter for the game and I am down to my last life. That’s when the game gets really exciting right?
We know that it is a fact that our minds are capable of receiving thoughts from external sources via technological machines. In non technical terms; these thoughts could be regarded as spirits. I am the one who believes that humanity’s minds have been invaded by external forces for thousands of years. This means that all of the people who exist in this world never experienced what it really is like to totally be free from external thought invasion. We also know that our bodies can and is manipulated by externally induced feelings. I wonder what it will be like to be totally free from all artificially inputted thoughts and feelings. ….All of our technology is an artificial imitation of what occurs naturally. I wonder if our own natural spirit which is not artificial can exist without a physical body. I think it is highly likely that it can exist without our body because I believe our body is merely like a radio receiver which receives the radio signal. Maybe our true self is in the form of a radio wave. Maybe we are a purely spiritual being that temporarily is received by the radio known as our physical body. When the radio breaks down, it does not mean that the broadcast also dies. It keeps broad casting. This broad cast is eventually received by another radio that tunes in. This is a real possibility that we are eternal being. The next question is: where is the broadcast station located? I believe that is where God lives. Maybe it is everywhere…..I think death is just a device to make us play as hard and long as possible in the physical vehicle we call our body. Hence there is no death. Oh death where art thou sting? You have no power over me because I have seen the light of truth! If you don’t understand what I am saying; it’s my fault for lacking the power to express my thoughts articulately….sorry,