I recently started reading your book " Cheating Justice ".  You are right, the rule of law must be reestablished, past wrongs must be made right or at least acknowledged.  Our democracy has never been in such peril and the United States of America will not survive " the absence of accountability " of those who have scantioned these terrible wrongs and called them necessary and right.

       We have only to look back at the past 80 years of history to see where this is headed.  Some people think that this could not happen again but it is already happening.  Science and technology has given evil men the ability to act out the darkness that has resided in the human heart since the fall of creation.  How many people know where Nuremberg or " The Grandmother Ravine " are?  Do they know that destruction and death can come from within a country?  Do they know, that in the past educated men, men with high ideals, men who were part of the social elite of their time chose to follow a patriotic leader who had a vision and a purpose.  This leader along with his followers subverted the laws of a nation under the guise of protecting its citizens.  They chose to decide for themselves what was right and what was not wrong.  They created Geheime Staats Polizei. 

       I am not attempting to associate one leader with another.  I am saying that as human beings we suffer from a condition, the condition of human nature and as human beings we are subject to being led astray and willingly at that.  This is why human beings must be governed by sound laws.  Laws are created to protect.  The founders of this country painstakingly set out to establish individual rights and to create laws for the securing of liberty and for the protecting of its citizens.

       Freedom can be lost in increments.  As for torture, well, there are no exceptions for the torturing of another human being much less for the torturing of its own citizens.  As a result of the Bush administration, we now have a " Secret State Police ".

       When president Bush and his team gave the go ahead on torture, unwarranted surveillance, unwarranted searches and other acts that violate our constitution, he opened the doors of atrocities.  Citizens, here in America are having their lives destroyed.  They are being tortured in body and in mind with horrible cruelty and brutality.  The anything goes attitude unleashed by the Bush administration has given some individuals in law enforcement across the nation the idea that they also are above the law.  When I speak of torture, I am not talking about nice stuff like water boarding and sleep deprivation.  I am talking about tortures that are " unimaginable ", the invasion of the body, mind and soul of human beings.  The unimaginable is happening again.  Since 2004 to this very moment I have been experiencing this invasion of body and mind.  I have seen and felt the evil in the hearts of such men who can do these things and others across the nation have been experiencing the same evil.

       I can't post a blog on but I have posted several blogs on the website, " The World Wide Campaign to Stop Abuse and Torture of Mind Control/
DEWs ".  My postings includes faxes I have sent to President Obama, Sen. John McCain, Sen. Kay Hagan, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, and Dr. Amy Gutmann, Chair of the Presidential Commission on the Study of Bio-Ethical Issues.  The fax I sent to Dr. Amy Gutmann was the first fax that I ever sent to anyone.  I faxed it to her Penn. State University office.  She is the only person who has tried to get in touch with me.  No one else has.

       The faxes I have posted on contain some graphic content.  In the blog " This is my only venue for protecting my life " I posted the names of persons of interest.  Their names are xxx xxxx, xxxxx xxxxxx, xxxxx xxxxx and xxxx xxxx.  It also tells how I came by these names.

        In this brief message, I have written about things you know so that when you read my postings you won't think I am just a babbling idiot.  The last sentence in your book is a beautiful statement on loving thy neighbor.  I have no choice but to speak or to do something.  It is loving.  There is a line from a movie directed by Sydney Pollack that I like, the actor speaking, " you guys think that not getting caught in a lie is the same thing as telling the truth.

        All law enforcement has to do is nothing, no acknowledgement, no questioning, no investigation.  They hide by doing nothing.  See , see how they are hurting this woman.  All the elements needed to make up the first domino are here.  It just needs some one to push on it and all the rest will fall one after another.  I have been trying but I can't get any traction at all.  They do things to us and they chuckle. 

                                                                                                         Michael Benoit

Michael Benoit

2015 Lee Ave

Sanford, NC 27330

Home: 919-776-9039

Cell: 919-352-5993


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