This is the image of "symbolic hermeneutics" of our sons and daughters living dead. Working in the astral, the world of telecommunications, in the business of 20th and 21st century: human trafficking living dead corpses by a remotely controlled electromagnetic aura or a microchip nanochip inoculated sometime birth.
Trafficking in human flesh in the underworld.
Traffic of scientific information in the cloud.
Operatives are psychotronic and quantified bioresonance working in dirtier there, they threaten people without giving a sinister face.
These men and women work in neighborhood homes as a group, and have placed an "electromagnetic inhibitor" to the sound of their presence is not noticed in the neighborhood.
EL jackal is the slave of the ruling families Pouch world economy. Are these people with their payroll who are holding the imperialist capitalist economy that uses us as human cattle for a macabre plan, the absolute mind control of humanity and the planet.
Need to master epigenetics and human behavior.
And they are holding the strut that desire, the avatar 2045 project want to get the domain of human reason with a program VIRTUAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.