So, if you don't know, the government is actually in our heads and mining information.

Most people are like, "no way" or "I don't have anything interesting to share.  Why would they care about me?"

I mean, I get that because aren't they to the point where they need computers to do nearly everything important anyway?  Individuals no longer have anything extraordinary in a single brain.

Except when our "overlords" need to steal something and have to exploit us in order to accomplish something stupid...

I thought I was unimportant too, and then they decided to turn on me and try to use my "secrets" against me, stupid secrets that young people have.  I just decided to be open.  They hated that and damaged my brain in even more ways to try to make me lie.  It was so that they could say that I was developmentally delayed as well, but if they checked the records, they would know that I've been screened a billion times and that my abilities have been noted in their demise.

Anyway, they like to torture me.  At night, they often paralyze me and then talk to me in abusive, sexual mannerisms or threaten to kill people I care about.  I have no fear, so it's not a big deal.  My responses back to them are completely random.  I don't see the point anymore.

They also put my thoughts into my youtube suggestions.  I think they think that if they show me who's boss, I'll accept their invisible ideology.  Well, I can't do that for a few reasons.  One, I don't know what I'm supposed to believe in, and two, I don't care for that kind of abuse.

So, I'm going to skip over my youtube suggestions, and I'm going to live my life without them.  Sure, they can harass me at night, but I'm not going to play into their sick game anymore.  I'm just giving them attention they don't deserve.

I am bored.

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