Our Beloved Bridegroom

Our Beloved Bridegroom Our Beloved Bridegroom YAHUSHUA is so dearFor He wipes away our tearsAnd He casts away our fearsHe came to save us from damnationAnd to offer us salvationTo all the hearty people in all nationsSo long as we follow His teachings faithfullyAnd obey His commandments obedientlyWe will live with Him in Heaven for eternityThat is the destinyOf those who strive to be HolyOf those who strive to be GodlySo let us hold on to our faith steadfastlyLet us love one another continuouslyAnd seek to do His will in our lives unconditionallyAs for those who love meKnow that I embrace you all wholeheartedlyI pray in the Name of YAHUSHUA that you all will become part of the bride eventuallyFinallyThank you for believing in me
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