This will sound like heresy, but please consider anyway.
There is much disinformation everywhere as we all know. Some of this disinformation is unknowingly perpetuated by us upon other TIs. This is the most dangerous source of disinformation. Who else are we more likely to believe, than another TI.
Use your experiences, personal observations and experiments to produce empirical knowledge you can believe and build on. "OUR" experience is all we can use as a base that can be trusted. Many genuine TIs I have known have become so convinced that they have the true answers, that there is no room for correcting errors. Yet much of what they believe has been taken as gospel from someone who seems to be in a position of authority/knowledge. The "answers" that are espoused are gathered from outside sources, and there is the flaw - unquestioned acceptance based upon what strangers have to say.
It is useful to gather information from other sources and tentatively accept them into our beliefs about GS if they seem reasonable. BUT, when we start preaching back and forth to each other using information that has been fed to us, we may very well be spreading disinformation to each other.
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Consider information that is not personally experienced suspect and don't loose sight of the fact that reality begins with YOU. Don't allow yourself to become so overwhelmed and disheartened by touted concepts such as aliens, artificial intelligence, government conspiracy, etc. that you just give up your common sense. Stay informed, but alway question a source, and be ready to evolve your beliefs.