You can shield electric magnetic waves with Parabolic mirrows and hyperbolic mirrors. I am going to try. The perps threaten to kill me if I do that.
They are Judgemental. They judge me all the time. It's because I can remember sentes to speak. I can't remember my language. I can't remember the languages I've learned. They tell everybody about my so called "bad" behaviour.
I am a good person. They blame me for everthing. It's kinda Catfish with Gangstalking.
We found a new one and I quote the perps, meaning they found something to control me with. Simon says has to go on. The perps are PROUD of what they did to me. They take pride in tortering me. They raped me until I got heart failure. My heart can fail any minute. I know the reason why you act this way, we did it we're the cause. But still we are not going to to stop tortering you they say. They are not willing to change.
The perps demand sex from me. I don't know how to stop them from raping me. I've prayed but nothing is working. The perps are telling me to be honest to my boyfriend, when they don't know what honesty is. Very hilarious. They can give you thoughts to go with the feeling they give you. It's all fake what they do. When O ignore them they force me to listen to them. They sabbotage me a lot in my thinking. They pretend to speak better English than me. They want to control me a lot that's why they rape me a lot.
When Ib have s wound they burn me inside the wound. When I am sick they make me sicker. When I have pain they give me more pain.
Well Bye bye for now,
Angeline Klas