Paranoia vs Being Actually Stalked
- Personality disorder esp. characterized by delusions of persecution and self-importance.; Abnormal tendency to suspect and mistrust others.
- There is no physical proof of the stalking.
- People actually avoid Paranoids
Actually Being Stalked:
- There is actual proof to back up the claim
- There is evidence of illegal surveillance.
- They have to have some way of obtaining information about the target so apps and websites must be available to participants.
- The use of Directed Conversation. When topics of conversation are like leading one down a rabbit hole then it's more than likely planned to make the person look crazy if they say something. i.e. New World Order, Micro-chipping, Free Masons, Satanism, Psychopathy, etc.
- Verbal Abuse of Strangers for no reason.
- Physical Abuse and Life Endangerment.
- Electronic Harrassment leaves physical evidence, damage to organs and tissues as well as the brain.
- In the case of Targeted Individuals there is plenty of evidence if one has the money to obtain the equipment or is lucky enough to find an honest doctor who isn't afraid of the CIA.
- People don't seem to be particularly afraid of the victim, in fact, they seem to have a tendency to crowd them diliberately. Whereas they would not do this if the person was truly paranoid.
In Summary:
- It's not paranoia if it's really happening.
- It's not paranoia if there is physical evidence to prove what is happening.
- TIs can prove what's happening. The damage done to their brains and body are more than sufficient proof.
- Then there is the fact that the stalkers have some way of communicating with the community at large (apps and websites) otherwise they wouldn't be able to orchestrate their schemes.
- For TIs the overall symptoms are not isolated they are occuring all over the country and world. And the FBI is no longer pushing Psych Wards.
- I'm beginning to think that Paranoia is not a naturally occuring thing. If a person is afraid there is a reason for it. It is up to the law official to figure out what that reason is.