A [Pavlovian] hypnotic trigger is a phrase or any other

    sensory cue which the victim is programmed to involuntarily

    act on in a certain way.  The 50s-70s MKULTRA survivors can

    still be triggered from programming done decades ago.  A name

    "manchurian candidate", from a novel by John Marks, is used

    to describe a person who carries Pavlovian triggers.

    One of the main goals of the institutional/drug/child

    abuse phases of the CIA MKULTRA atrocities (1950's through

    1970's) was to implant triggers using a "twilight

    state" (half-conscious) medication and tape recorded

    hypnosis.  The ultimate goal was to have the acting out

    of Pavlovian triggers erased from the victim's memory.

    Using one of the two transmission methods above, these

    triggers are now planted using either of the above two

    transmission methods, but with the words moved up just

    above (or near the top of) the audible frequency range. 

    The result is that hypnotic triggers are planted without

    the subject being aware.  This technology was used in

    the Gulf War and has a name:  "Silent Sound"

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